Hi i`m back again lol

thinking about you this morning , hope you are going well.
[that was my tough love voice ;) :cool: ]
have a good one
nat xxxxxxxxx

Thanks Nat, it was a good tough love voice :D :D
Good luck Roch!

I know you can do it xx

Heyyy Lisa,how u doing girl, sorry i missed u online the other day when i come back in the lounge i saw an im from u but was not up 2 sitting at the pc as my back was not 2 good.
Hope things are going good with u, will try and catch up with u again online, take care xx
hi roch
i remember you from the pink site and have just been reading through your thread. just wanted to say how impressed i am with the way you keep determinedly plodding on and trying. i hope this time Cd works for you and you keep going with it until you get to goal. the one thing i learnt with Cd is that stopping and restarting it can be really really tough and it must better, once you're on the wagon, to stay on as long as possible, preferably to your target. i wish you all the best x x

Hi Jen, thanks hun for such a nice post, i have to plod on and pick myself up eventually from falling off the wagon, but i will get there eventually hopefully sooner than later.
Take care and thanks xx
Don't go offline Roch if you can help it-you never know when a litle distraction may help.& we ALL want you to do it this time!

Hi Jane, thanks hun for ur post but i was only going offline as my scistica was very bad and i could not manage to sit at the pc.Ss wise i am doing ok and am on day 3.
How r u doing, take care xx
Hey Roch.... well done on getting through day one... its brill!!!

Can't wait to see you reach all your goals!!! and maybe see you in dublin :D :D :D


Gen xxx

Hi Gen, thanks hun, would luv 2 come to dublin but i really wont know till nearer the date because it will be hard to find someone who can have Aaron and Ebony.
Take care and thanks xx
Day 2 is brilliant, keep drinking that water hun (and remember to take the required number of packs!)

Much love, chellexx

Hi Chelle, love ur pick hun, its the first time i have put a face to the lady who has given me so much support xx
Am taking all my packs and doing ok.
How r u doing hun, take care and chat soon xx
Well day 3 for me and my Sciatica has eased up a bit but i am feeling very down today.
As i sit here today i have been thinking about how much of my life i have wasted and i am practically 39 well i will be in 5 weeks time and i dont have a career, i am a single parent on benefits and no partner and totally on my own and the friends i used to have seem to be only around when the good times were around and now i have been at a low stage in my life i find myself totally on my own and wonder why do i attract the wrong kind of people,who just want to use me for their own benefit and this has happened to me from friends and ex partners.

Last year i spent the whole year in my flat and even in the scorching summer time i never left my flat just kept myself locked away and eat hence weighing 28 stone.

I am scared to even attempt to make new friends as i feel that i must have a sign on my forehead saying "i have no self confidence, i am lonely so why dont u come and use me, every one has so u might as well do the same "

I am determined to change my life but am finding it very hard. Nothing is going to stop me Ssing this time and i am on day 3 and intend to stick to it this time no matter what !!
From now everything will be positive. You are going to lose weight. You are going to get a career. You are going to go out. Think positively and convince yourself. You are doing so so well Roch. One day at a time remember

Irene xx
Roch , sorry to hear things arent good , but like irene is saying ... one step at a time . You deserve to be happy and confident , your children can help you to do that to , no need to do everything at once either .

It is the weekend , do you have family near you that you get along with ?

Do you have a garden ? open the windows for half an hour and let the sun flow in with a nice breeze to blow thru !!! its the simple things that can make us smile xxx
Hey honey,
I'm so sorry to hear u're feeling pants hun, but please stop going over old ground - all u're doing babe is torturing urself on "what could have been if u hadn't done such a blah blah" - I know from experience that things only get worse if u try to run before u can walk. The past is the past honey, u must move on from these thoughts as they're only making things worse for u in the longer term. U're on day 3 of ssing already - now that is an achievement in itself. Start living in the moment honey, thats the only way u can beat this. U're doing great and u should be soo proud of urself for this.
With u every step of the way honey - here for u whenever u need me

Much love, chelle xxx
Day 3 is brilliant Roch.

As for making new friends and a new life, you are doing so ... but slowly slowly. You have online freinds here and if you can get to any of the meets (I'm sure there is a London one being organised by Mike24) then you'll have real friends who understand and empathise with what you are going through and don't want to use you.

Stay strong, and hoping this weekend is a good one for you.
Hi Roch

So glad the pain of the siatica has eased. These waves of feeling down are a pain I have them myself and am the same age as you I think our age has something to do with it. When you start to look at what you haven't achieved rather than what you have. Sometimes I tell myself that the down times have a purpose and that is for me to evaluate what I want to change and make me determined to do so. You aren't 39 yet so that means you have over a whole year to transform your life to enjoy your 40's I am beginning to realise that the 40's can be a pretty exciting decade for women in the 21st century.

I'm getting nagged now so must go. But still willing you through and keeping an eye. Lets look forward to being 40 together and make plans for what we want to achieve during our 40's.

Bye for now.

Dizzy x
Well day 3 for me and my Sciatica has eased up a bit but i am feeling very down today.
As i sit here today i have been thinking about how much of my life i have wasted and i am practically 39 well i will be in 5 weeks time and i dont have a career, i am a single parent on benefits and no partner and totally on my own and the friends i used to have seem to be only around when the good times were around and now i have been at a low stage in my life i find myself totally on my own and wonder why do i attract the wrong kind of people,who just want to use me for their own benefit and this has happened to me from friends and ex partners.

Last year i spent the whole year in my flat and even in the scorching summer time i never left my flat just kept myself locked away and eat hence weighing 28 stone.

I am scared to even attempt to make new friends as i feel that i must have a sign on my forehead saying "i have no self confidence, i am lonely so why dont u come and use me, every one has so u might as well do the same "

I am determined to change my life but am finding it very hard. Nothing is going to stop me Ssing this time and i am on day 3 and intend to stick to it this time no matter what !!

Ok, hon, you wanted tough love so I'm going to dish some out right now. This is only the third day of the start of the rest of your life. You cannot possibly expect to find it any easier right now. You have a huge challenge ahead of you and wallowing in the past will do absolutely diddly squat to help you to do it!

You need to stop looking back and feeling sorry for yourself - look at your achievements instead!! You have raised a son alone, you have kept a home, you have a life that is not perfect but it is a life nonetheless. You have survived so much. You have food on your table (well, SS packs;) ) , a roof over your head, a heart of gold and a whole new world of opportunities laying ahead of you just there for the taking. So. TAKE THEM!!!

Stop the self- pity and self-loathing.. it ISN'T doing you any good!!! You need to look for the positives.. at least you are receiving an income, at least you aren't in a wheelchair, or in hospital, or suffering from a terminal illness.. all you are is FAT! It is something YOU can deal with, YOU can sort out and YOU can do it!!! Your health problems will undoubtedly reduce in their severity and you will FEEL so much better!!

3 days is all it is so far.. 3 days.. this is going to take you at least a year... that's a tough thing to get your head 'round.. I know! (been there etc etc etc).. This is NOT an easy option.. the easy option is to just give up and pig out, get fatter and die! This is NO picnic.. YOU are the ONLY person who can do this for you and YOU are the one in charge. YOU decide what happens next. I am delighted that you sound as determined as ever at the end of your post.. stick to that sheer determination.. please...

As for being used,... you know what... you aren't alone on that. When we are down and lonely and desperate for company and friendships.. we make mistakes.. we trust implicitly... it's part of our make up. It's what insecure fat people do... we allow people to ride roughshod over us until we have lost the very last ounce of self esteem and self worth we clung onto. It's also what nice people do. (thin or fat). It happens ALL the time. It sucks. It hurts. It's nasty and IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

BUT... that will change... I promise you. As the weight comes off you will find your self-esteem trickling back.. just a bit at a time... like a dripping tap into a sink with a plug in it.. eventually it will refill... that's what will happen for you, I'm sure. With your self-esteem will come better discernment.. you will be more able to identify those who are out to use you and those who are genuine. Friends who 'abandon ship' when the going gets tough aren't friends at all.. you are, quite frankly, better without them.

You are a beautiful intelligent young woman with a fabulous future ahead of you IF you want it, and IF you are prepared to do what it takes to get there. I know people say, oh, its not as black and white as that, but you know what, it damn well is!!

Sticking to SSing is no fun.. it's hard physically (initially) , emotionally and in practical terms at times too.. BUT.. if you can get through the first 14 days you will have cracked it!!

So.. tough love you wanted, tough love I've given. Roch, you CAN do this. I know it! Sod everyone who has ever been mean to you or hurt you - you don't need pondscum like that in your life.. their lives have been enriched by knowing you. Yours has taken a bashing but you are resilient and are standing firm and re-taking some of that lost ground.

Do this and I guarantee you , life will change for the better. (I don't necessarily mean SSing - but losing the weight)

Tough love or not, I have faith in you :) xxxx