Hi i`m back again lol

roch i just wanted to wish you all the best
after reading al your struggles i do think the operation is the only option for you
good luck hun you are a star
you have faced so many battles in your life and now i truly feel you are going to conquer them all
big hug
kaz xxx

Hi kaz ty hun for such a nice post, just looked at ur pics wow what a difference u have done so well.
Take care hun and ty xx
Hi darling

I've been away for a few days, and only just caught up with this post.

I really hope everything went well for you today hunny, and that you will go ahead with the op on 20th June. I shall be away in Turkey then, and I will seriously be thinking of you on that day and sending all my love to you x x x

Can't wait now to find out how it all went once I get back.

Hi Cheryl, ty hun for always being there to support me. Hope u have an amzing holiday and lookin forward to chatting soon, luv Roch xxxx
just updated myself with your great news ............ in a better frame of mind myself and on day4 ss ...........so i read people's posts ......... soooooooooooooo pleased to hear of your good news .......will carry your suitcases for you if you need !!!! look forward to hearing all about it ............. advice: breathe deeply post op every hour on the hour ( used to be an ITU sister ) even if it makes you cough ....

make sure you give your uncles our thanks from the website xxx

Yo've disappeared again. What's the score? Have you seen the surgeon? Do you have a definate date for the operation?

Let me know ...
just updated myself with your great news ............ in a better frame of mind myself and on day4 ss ...........so i read people's posts ......... soooooooooooooo pleased to hear of your good news .......will carry your suitcases for you if you need !!!! look forward to hearing all about it ............. advice: breathe deeply post op every hour on the hour ( used to be an ITU sister ) even if it makes you cough ....

make sure you give your uncles our thanks from the website xxx

Ty hun and well done 2 u for getting back on ssing u go girl u know u can do it xxx

Yo've disappeared again. What's the score? Have you seen the surgeon? Do you have a definate date for the operation?

Let me know ...

Hi hun soz was a bit down after seeing the surgeon on Tuesday. Although i am lighter than when he first saw me last year, think i was aorund 29 stone and am now 26.5 my health has deteriated quite a bit and the thing he is worried about most is my breathing, he said where i have been yo yo dieting loosing and gaining loads for some reason the fat has gathered alot round my neck and chest bone i have recently been having feeling like someone is sitting on my chest and thought it was Asthma but when i used my inhalers i got no relief, he said its all the extra fat that has gathered in that area causing me breathing probs. The surgeon also said that since the begining of the year he is no longer doing gastric bypass ops on peeps over a 50 bmi and mine is 63 as the risks are 2 high but will do another op called a sleeve gastrectomy, this is a less risky op for someone of my size.

He also said he wont do the op in the next 2 weeks but he wants to see me again in 4 weeks and has put me on a strict diet which is 4 cans of weight watchers soup and 4 muller light yogs each day and vitamins and he is not setting an amount of weight i have to lose just wants to see me lose some to help my breathing probs.

So have started the diet today and think i will arrange to go back in 6 weeks time and not 4 weeks to give me enough time to try and lose 3.5 stone as i believe i have at least 1.5 stone in water retention(the private gp my uncle took me to 2 weeks ago told me that) if i can lose 3.5 stone that would take me down to 23 stone and a bmi of around 53 then am hoping he might to the gastric bypass and not the sleeve.

Its not a hard diet to follow at all, am glugging loads of sugar free squash to help get rid of the water retention and will go to my local chemist in 2 weeks time and get weighed as they have one of those fancy digital machines where they weigh u, work out ur bmi and measure ur bp,this chemsit sells lipotrim so i know thw scales have to be accurate, it then prints u out ur reading.

Soz again for dissapearing its a very bad habbit of mine,ty for always thinking of me xxx
so how are the muller lights going down?????? xx
bump, bump,bump, xx
...The surgeon also said that since the begining of the year he is no longer doing gastric bypass ops on peeps over a 50 bmi and mine is 63 as the risks are 2 high but will do another op called a sleeve gastrectomy, this is a less risky op for someone of my size.

Hi Roch

Glad that you are doing ok(ish) and that things are at least on the move for you.

Just a suggestion, but why not do as the surgeon wants and go back in 4 weeks. See how much you have lost by then and then re-evaluate your options and get into a discussion about realistic time spans.

He has a medically based reason for stating 4 weeks (perhaps the diet he has put you on is not 'safe' for longer than 4 weeks).

I would hazard a guess that you will have lots oodles in 6 weeks but expecting to lose 3.5 stone in a month is an enormous goal so don't be harsh on yourself if it doesn't happen.

You have done brilliantly to get down to 26.5 ! Wahayy!

If you can drop your BMI to 53 then realistically, how much longer would it take you to drop it to 50? Why not see where you get to after the 4 weeks first, then see if you can hazard a guess at taking it down 50 and IF that seems like a realistic and achiveable thing to do (although you will have to be patient coz, as we all fricking know, it doesn't come off as fast as we want, EVER!!)... then hang on a few more weeks and then he will have NO arguement against the op..

If the band is what you truly beleive is the operation for you then I think that's probably your best bet.

I guess it's a case of weighing up the pros and cons of each op and deciding if you want to continue trying to lose weight for longer and have the op you want, or lose weight for the time span they give and then have an alternative op which should be just as effective ultimately (I guess - I dunno the difference to be honest.. lol)

Anyway, whatever decisions you come to, I hope the diet is ok still and you aren't hungry on it. (I hate it when you're on a diet and could eat yer fist!!!).

Take good care of yourself Roch.

Will be rooting for you and hoping in 4 weeks time that you are delighted with the fruits of your labours! xx
how's it going ????? xxxx
Hi Roch

Glad that you are doing ok(ish) and that things are at least on the move for you.

Just a suggestion, but why not do as the surgeon wants and go back in 4 weeks. See how much you have lost by then and then re-evaluate your options and get into a discussion about realistic time spans.

He has a medically based reason for stating 4 weeks (perhaps the diet he has put you on is not 'safe' for longer than 4 weeks).

I would hazard a guess that you will have lots oodles in 6 weeks but expecting to lose 3.5 stone in a month is an enormous goal so don't be harsh on yourself if it doesn't happen.

You have done brilliantly to get down to 26.5 ! Wahayy!

If you can drop your BMI to 53 then realistically, how much longer would it take you to drop it to 50? Why not see where you get to after the 4 weeks first, then see if you can hazard a guess at taking it down 50 and IF that seems like a realistic and achiveable thing to do (although you will have to be patient coz, as we all fricking know, it doesn't come off as fast as we want, EVER!!)... then hang on a few more weeks and then he will have NO arguement against the op..

If the band is what you truly beleive is the operation for you then I think that's probably your best bet.

I guess it's a case of weighing up the pros and cons of each op and deciding if you want to continue trying to lose weight for longer and have the op you want, or lose weight for the time span they give and then have an alternative op which should be just as effective ultimately (I guess - I dunno the difference to be honest.. lol)

Anyway, whatever decisions you come to, I hope the diet is ok still and you aren't hungry on it. (I hate it when you're on a diet and could eat yer fist!!!).

Take good care of yourself Roch.

Will be rooting for you and hoping in 4 weeks time that you are delighted with the fruits of your labours! xx

Hello pretty woman how r u doing hun been a long time:sigh: .Am doing ok hun honestly just ploddin along day by day and just taking it slowly day by day and have stopped putting massive pressure on myself as i know its seriously no good at all for me.
Am def haveing the op and will be seeing the consultant on the 5th August and then we will book surgery for the following weeks.
BMI wise i am not going to put myself under imense emotional stress as i have done in the past as long as i do my best and lose some weight then i am happy and contented.
Am so pleased to have heard from u would luv 2 chat to u some more, take care hun and ty for stopping by xxx
Well where shall i start, my date for the consultant has been changed to now 5th August so i have more time to lose some more weight so i can get nearer to the 50 BMI and have the gastric bypass instead of a sleeve op.
My diet has changed as i am not going to be on the diet for quiet some time, i really dont have a set diet but i change it every few days from a few days of just having milk and a couple of yoghurts to a few days of protein, low fat and no carbs both of these diets have been given to me by the consultant.

Have not weighed myself again but am still pleased that i went down from around 29 stone to 26.5 without even realising lol.

Am off for a 4 day mini break to southsea in portsmouth for a holisitc retreat will be staying in a posh hotel and having 4 days of holistic therapy spiritual and physically lots of reflexology,indian head massage and holistic massage/facials and also some quite intense therapy to help me try and get to the reasons why i abuse food and to help me prepare for surgery and also will be having a weekend every month for the next 3 months just to have some extra therapy and make sure i am coping with how different life will be post surgery.

Am really looking forward to going will be going on the 8th july and be leaving Aaron alone in the house for the first time overnight, he will be 16 in july and is very mature and also am not 2 worried as his girlfriend family live 10 doors down from us and they luv him to bits so they will keep an eye on him.

I feel relaxed and trying to take a few little walks each day with the dogs even for just 10 mins each but its def a start for me.
Have not really been online as had probs with water retention so been keeping my feet up but that has eased up now so hope to be online a bit more now.

Ty for stopping by chat soon and take care xxxx
Hi :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend, it sounds fantastic :)
Good luck with the diet hun, I know you'll get there...and have the op that you want.
Don't be a stranger it's so good to read your update
Glad to see things are looking up for you. Your weekend away sounds wonderful and I do hope you enjoy yourself and the various treatments and have a relaxing time.

Thinking of you
Irene xx