Hi - Im New! And in need of motivation!


Hi Guys!

Im new to the forum, i needed some motivation and looking through the site, some of you are doing so well it's unbelievable.

I started a diet in January and have so far lost about a stone and a half, but for the last 2 weeks I've had no loss and no gain. I'm at about 13 st 3lb now, and I'd like to get to 10st (Although my reccomended weight from my BMI is 7st 9lbs! Eeek!)

It's soooo frustrating. I'm not doing anything differently - visiting the gym the same amount and not going mad with eating.

I am trying to stick to a calorie intake of 1200 - give or take, but I am doing soo well compared to what I used to eat.

Have any of you had this? Hit a brick wall?

Any motivational advice would be brill!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome! :)
Hey there :)

congrats on losing the stone!

That's the norm with diets. After a while u either stop losing for a tad bit or the weight loss slows down. its frustrating as hell but there it ism the key is to keep going and not give up.

It may help to try a little extra by increasing duration or intensity of your exercise.

I think give it another week or two you may be surprises by your results! Your doing well. Don't be too hard.on ur self. ;)
What diet are you on? It may be an idea to restrict your carbohydrate intake (while keeping overall calories the same) for a week or two and see how you get on :)
I had a hard diet about 2 months, but the result is incredible
an apple and a cup of milk + water each day
and for the year I just did the walk between my school and home.
The result is 15Kg lost
But it was hard for me the first days
I'm not following a particular 'diet' I'm just eating healthy. Nothing processes, meat and veg but I am probably having too rice and pasta!
Good Luck, we all hit the wall at some point. I just tried to add a different exercise daily. I took the dog a bit further on his walk and did a workout dvd twice a week. It helped me xxx