Hi new CDers

Welcome new CD people!!!

x Lostris
Hi Babyballie, I am looking for a team too if you are looking to start one. No doubt there will be loads of newbies starting soon.

I recommend joining a team! You get great advice and motivation just by checking out the threads and joining in, but you get that extra kick up the bum when you are part of a team....:D
Heyyy, Im on my second day-sorry if this annoys anyone but I'm finding it a breeze!!! No headaches,cravings,hunger etc....Do u guys think thats because I had a major blowout the day before I started??

I'll join a team please!!

Mel xxxx
I started today finding quite difficult as i dont like any of the soups or porridge dont mind the shakes though dont really feel hungry just wish i liked the soup any advice on what 2 do ??
Hello everyone!

I started today and would love to join a team for extra support etc??? xx