
Good on ya for making the decision!! I think thats the hardest part.... the first few days can be difficult but once you get into the routine of healthy eating you will start feeling great & it will become second nature, just think of all the nice clothes you will be able to buy!!

No more looking at the end of the rails for you... wish you all the luck in the world, keep us imformed of your progress:) :)
Hi Rich
Welcome to Minimins, good luck with your diet plan. Most bookshops carry a good selection of cookbooks that are low in calorie and nice and quick to make, might give you some ideas. :)
Ok, maybe time for the 'before' picture:


I'm the one in the white shirt
Hi and welcome. And thanks for posting your before pic. Have a look around and see whether you want to just cut down on calories and increase exercise or follow a WW or SW programme. Good luck

Irene xx
I tend not to cook too much, mainly owing to time. Lots of frozen pizzas and ready meals.

Lots of meals don't actually take very much time but part of it can be about lifestyle changes as well (for example instead of coming in, flopping on the sofa and watching telly - not that I'm saying you do this - have a shower, get changed and cook some dinner)

Are there any vegetables that you like or would be willing to try ? How much do you look at things when you go food shopping (if you do it) ? Instead of just putting the same things in your baskets (pizzas and ready meals) actually have a proper lok at all the food that is there.

If you want to stick with ready meals because they would be easier for you then bulk them up with veggies.

Sometimes you need to be inventive or creative - one of the hardest things can be getting out of the rut !

Good luck :D
One day down.

Decided to miss my usual chocolate bar on the way to work today and replaced my usual bottle of Lucozade with a bottle of water.

Not a great deal of change so far, but small steps and all that.

The real test will come at lunch time, though. Wednesday is roast dinner day in the canteen where I work, and I'm in the unfortunate position that my office is directly above the kitchen, meaning I can smell them cooking it from about 10.30!

I shall endeavour to avoid it, though. It'll be the first Wednesday that I have avoided it since I started at here over a year ago!

Only stumbled on this site today.

Been thinking for a VERy long time that I need to lose weight, generally whilst putting it on!

Suppose I should give a bit of background, really.

Just over 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. Playing football and training regularly, I was slim and actually had a six pack.

Then I finished uni, traded my bar job for an office job and suddenly found I didn't have the time to dedicate to fitness.

Decided to join a gym for the first time ever shortly after I began feeling out of shape, but haven't ever been massively dedicated, though. I tend to get home from work and sit in front of the TV whilst contemplating what to have on this evenings pizza.

I've subsequently told myself I need to get in shape, pretty much every Sunday for the past two years after a Saturday night on the booze.

Come Monday lunch time I tell myself that I'll start tomorrow, and so the cycle continued.

After numerous 'false starts', I've decided that I really need to do something. I've gone from being able to buy nice clothes to having to look at the ends of the rails where they keep the 'odd sizes' - although this is a benefit come sale time, as nobody wants trousers that fit me!

I'm currently weighing in at 17st, I'm a shade under 6ft 3, so whilst I am fat and heavy, I carry it reasonably well. I just look 'big' rather than 'big and fat', although I fear I am falling into the 'big and fat' category, which is why I need to do something about it.

I've started playing football again, just 5 a side once or twice a week, but it stems the boredom of a running machine!

Going to hopefully make a concerted effort to get my 'fat ass' down the gym much more regularly and try to get back into some serious shape.

I have little to no clue about diets, and slightly less will power! Hopefully I can combine a slight reduction in food and better choices with upping my gym time, that way I won't be walking around in a bad mood from lack of food all day long.

I have noticed that in most people's diet trackers they seem to lose a hell of a lot in the first couple of weeks, 10lb in a week seems insane, how is this possible? If someone could enlighten me here, I would be eternally grateful. I'd love to be sat here in 7 days time 10lb lighter!

Any words of advice or encouragement would be much appreciated. As I'm sure many of you are aware the idea of dieting/losing weight tends not to be something deemed 'manly' by a lot of people, so it is a difficult thing to discuss in person with those around me. Hopefully I can use this forum for that sort of thing though.

Nice to meet you all, in a virtual sense of course!


Hi Rich!

Welcome aboard.
Is smoking instead of eating a bit like robbing Peter to pay Paul? Being fat and smoking are both bad for your heart, but at least they'll be able to carry the coffin!


There are a few men on here so scoot around, find them and get advice. It'll become invaluable.

We'll support you all the way matey.

The real test will come at lunch time, though. Wednesday is roast dinner day in the canteen where I work, and I'm in the unfortunate position that my office is directly above the kitchen, meaning I can smell them cooking it from about 10.30!

I shall endeavour to avoid it, though. It'll be the first Wednesday that I have avoided it since I started at here over a year ago!

I still have a roast dinner - meat and lots of veg but only one potato and no yorksire pud !

Don't be too hard on yourself because then you may feel deprived, think you can't do it and give up !
But it's all about the Roasties and the Yorkshire puds!

Can't I sacrifice the carrots and peas instead? :)
Carrots and peas are your friend Rich:D

Resisting the temptation so far?
Fully resisted.

Was made easier by the fact that my boss walked into the canteen as I was about to cave, and I decided that a roast dinner wasn't worth an hour long discussion with him about work!
Rich - well done on resisting the temptation of roast dinner and also the other changes you've made:)
Hi Rich, welcome to Minimins.

I am trying to shift weight at the moment in an almost identical fashion to what you are describing, so I shall follow your thread with interest in the coming weeks.

I wish you the best of luck, all it will take is a little will power and self-control. Might be worth putting your 'before' photo in a good spot so that you can look at it every time you feel tempted to indulge... also, you could do what i did and view the MM member's before-and-after slideshow for inspiration.
I did have a look at the before and after pictures, very inspiring indeed. Well done to everyone who has reached, or is no the way to reaching, their goal.

Last night was difficult.

The England match meant I had to go to the pub, which invariably meant drinking! I decided to restrict it to only 3 pints, though. In the past 3 would have lead to 4, which would have lead to ten!

Mr Wombat, it's very comforting to know that there are other men out there feeling and doing the same. Good luck to you, although you seem to be about a stone ahead of me!
You must be a week in now - hows it all going?
hey welcome to minimins

good luck with your journey!!!

i have just started slimming world and so far it dosent seem like a diet, ya can eat as much as u want (on red days ya can have as much meat as u like) as long as its the right food, its amazin
