Honk If You Were 100% Today!

A huge honk for day 16 I'm in control
Honk day 13 :D
Honk for day 5 :)
honk day 13 :-D
89 honks and getting stronger and slimmer every day. :D
HONKING for the 27th time :O)
Honk x 5 !
day 9

honk day 9
Honk for day 111 :)

Dolphin I seen ur start weight was 14.2 I'm 14 aswell, wot are u weighing in at now on day 9?? Also how long do u plan on stayin on LT?? X
Honk from me

Tough day 3, but still 100% :)
Honk 17 and still in control I am a boredom eater and admit it!! Be strong every one we can do this,

Three year ago this book changed my life "feel the fear and do it anyway" by Suzan Jeffers
anybody who needs reassurance and strength to change there life for the better try it you may like it xxx
honk for day 15 :D
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Honk day 14! :D
Honk day 6 - I think?!?!? Haha x