Well it seems I've had a very lucky escape after my planned week off. Two birthday parties and a Ball all in one week and I still managed to lose 3 lbs. I started eating carbs on Thursday so that I could really enjoy myself and ate a four course meal on Friday night and then a buffet on Saturday night plus copious amounts of red wine and gin and tonic. I had my fingers crossed that I might have managed to stay the same - but to my amazement I have lost another 3lbs!! I'm thrilled to bits and keener than ever to get back on the wagon and try for a really big weight loss next Tuesday.

Val x
oh wow lucky you,im hoping i have stayed same,just cant seem to get back into ss after eating and drinking at weekend....weigh in tmrw,so start afresh from then lol
Been really good since weigh in on Tuesday. My week off seems to be just what I needed and having still lost 3lbs I am re-motivated and SS-ing like a pro. Had a sneaky peek at my own scales this morning and it looks as though I've lost another 3lbs since Tuesday, so hoping for a really big loss this week. Want to lose at least another half stone by 29th November which is hubby's Big 40 party!!!

Val x
lol i to am back on ss after my bad weekend,know what you mean about getting back on track,oh i find the tickers a nightmare as when i put in the weight it seems to be completly diffrent to what it shows on the chart!!!
Yay - just back from WI and another 5lbs off. Well chuffed with myself. Only 2 more lbs to reach 2 stone loss and still time to get that third stone off for Xmas.
That's great! I plan to take Christmas Day off so hope I can do the same or stay the same. Maybe it will kick start my metabolism!

I was just wondering about what you said about eating carbs from Thurs - do you need to do that to be able to eat on a planned day off.
Hey Allykat - i will have to eat carbs to kick myself out of ketosis so that I can drink alcohol - it's very very dangerous to drink any alcohol if you are in ketosis - and I can't let hubby's landmark birthday go by without consuming some booze.

I'm going to allow myself 2 days at Xmas and another 2 days at New Year, but hoping that if i'm extra good the other 5 days, I will at least be able to maintain. But it's not the end of the world if a few pounds go back on, cos I know they'll come off quick once I get right back on it.

Good luck with your first week hun.
just wanted to say i was on cd last yr at xmas ,i had xmas day and boxing day of,didnt really pig out but did have 2 roast dinners and few buffets plus some booze,i had 2 weeks of and when i weighed in i had put on 2lbs,so was really pleased the following week after ss i had lost 6lb!!!!so it shows u can eat over xmas as long as u dont go mad...and well done val for those 5bs,party sounds likes it gonna be good...
Well I well and truly fell off the wagon last night! Went to my mates for a girly night and ended up drinking a bottle and a half of red wine and nibbled on tortilla chips and dip, plus the new Walkers lime crisps and peanuts!!! I have the most awful indigestion this morning plus a mega headache - serves me right!! According to the scales this morning I have put on 4lbs!!!! eek - got 4 days to stick rigidly to SS before next weigh in - I refuse to have an official weight gain and hope I can get those 4lbs + more off in the next 4 days.

Not only that I actually had a smoke too - omigod - when I go for it I really go for it =(

Surprisingly, I don't feel very guilty, because we had such a hoot that it was almost worth the 4lbs. lol
Well, I managed to lose 2lbs this week despite being very very naughty on Friday night. That's 2 stone off in 6 weeks. Having a 3-day break this weekend, but will be straight back SSing from Monday right up until 23rd December. Am hoping that I will have my third stone off for Xmas.
well done val123
you are an inspiration -- im aiming for at least a stone by xmas if not more :D:D