housework as exercise


Gold Member
I hate housework with a passion and i'm always looking for ways to make it less boring so when i was looking I found this actical
Turn Housework into a Workout

and it has tips to use housework as exercise heres what it said has anyone any more.

Top tips to go for the housework burn

  • Use a wax polish in a tin rather than a spray – you’ll need to rub much harder to get a nice shine on your furniture.
  • Don’t leave things to pile up at the bottom of the stairs – take individual items upstairs as soon as you need to.
  • Plan your housework so you constantly have to run up and down the stairs. For example, empty the dishwasher in the kitchen, then make the bed upstairs, then vacuum the living room downstairs, then clean the bathroom upstairs – and so on.
  • Keep the laundry basket on the floor when you’re ironing (rather than on a raised surface like a table). That way you’ll constantly have to bend and stretch to reach the clothes.
  • Get more creative in the kitchen – peeling, chopping, stirring, whisking and beating all burn more calories than simply heating up a ready meal in a microwave oven. And if you really want to work up a sweat, have a go at making your own bread – kneading the dough is hard work!
  • Stick on your favourite music and turn up the volume – it will help you polish and sweep that bit harder.
Have you ever tried pushing a Dyson vacuum cleaner? I swear it's one of the hardest things and definitely burns a few calories ;)
Fantastic. My planned project today is sweeping up fallen leaves in the burning sun.....that should get rid of a yogurt or two !!!

After that it is a date with the vacuum cleaner and the duster.

I am now seeing housework in a different light.......thanks.
i sometimes do a lucky dip of housework with my daugther basically we put each job that needs doing on a piece of paper fold it up and put it in a bag we then pull each one out of a hat do the job and add it to our own pile the one with the most jobs wins.
I have just done 45 mins myself and its great exercise cause you are all over the house up and downstairs loads and I leave the bag down stairs so I have to come down everytime.
having a break cause i'm shattered and off to do some more.