how can i stop binge eating?

If I have the wrong kinds of food around then I will eat them - no such thing as half a packet of biscuits in this house!!

So my solution is not to buy them. I find that will-power is easier in the shop than it is in the kitchen.

so agree with this one hun, im terrible if i have biscuits or choc or crisps in for the kids so i no longer buy them.

to op chuck all your junk out i did after easter made kids take egs out my sight aswell lol. im like a locust if i get in one them moods nothing is safe in kitchen lol x
saying that i nicked all choc at work the day didnt do me any good lol. back on plan in morning AGAIN come on ladies lets get our motivation back? x
I've been a binge eater since my teens - i go through phases of being able to control it, but its always been there and has always been a problem. I now haven't had a binge for a month! (record for me) and i have to say that thats down to councelling.
Go to the doctors - get referred to a councellor and get it sorted once and for all! You're not silly for feeling this way, you're not alone & you CAN get help with this. Being a binge eater is as much of an eating disorder as bulimia & anorexia & there is help available if you want it.
Can't recommend it enough. *HUGE HUGS*
If you want to chat I'm always about. xx
Reading all of the above posts has really struck a chord with me...
I haven't been to group for 3 weeks now, mainly because I know I haven't stuck to the plan. I weighed myself yesterday and was horrified to find I actually weigh more than when I first joined!:cry:

My biggest problem is willpower - I have none.

My house is full of chocolate - has been for over 2 weeks now.. my birthday, my OH birthday, easter and today with the royal wedding (party) - each occasion over the last 3 weeks has brought a mass of synned food into my sights. I haven't been able to resist any of it but regret every mouthful I have taken. I have exactly 12 months to lose at least 4 stone - I want to be slim(mer) for my 30th birthday...This is becoming increasingly unlikely if I carry on the way I am doing!

Every day, for the past week, I've said "today we'll start again" and by evening, I've completely blown it! :mad:

Reading the posts above has actually made me realise that I can do it and I will do it. I yearn to be slimmer, that my uniform isn't so tight that I have to wear my baggy jumper over my shirt...even when it's hot. To wear vest tops without the need to cover my arms:(

All I need to do is find my willpower now... Think I need to find that inspirational photo to stick on my fridge!:rolleyes:
I think everyone has had those moments I avoided class for 4 weeks and eventually managed to go back - I spoke to my c about it and she didn't mention weight changes during image therapy instead talked about how brave someone is going back after they feel thugs blown it.

And you know what I'm so glad I did go back. It doesn't matter how long it take how wiggly the journey as long as we get there in the end. I cannot encourage you enough to go back to class sometimes it's the only true way to get your head back into it.

All the best xxx
My biggest problem is willpower - I have none.

Imagination is ALWAYS stronger than willpower!
Imagining how that bar of chocolate will taste will get your mouth full of saliva & will get you running to the fridge even if your willpower is made of cast iron! Therefore willpower is irrelevant! You have to turn your imagination on its head & use it for imagining positive things.
Imagine you're already at goal & love eating healthy, low syn meals. Imagine how you look at your goal weight. How you move. What your hair is like, what you're wearing. How confident & sexy you feel. Put yourself in that mindset now! Don't wait to be slimmer to start thinking like a slim person! Put yourself in that mindset now & then just wait for your body to catch up!
You ARE slim. You ARE beautiful. You ARE confident, sexy, happy, relaxed.
Use your imagination to your advantage instead of IT using YOU!!! *hugs*
the other day i felt like eating everything in the house. so i ate a little bit and then cleaned my teeth, and that broke the spell
Ive had 3 weeks of binging and it stopped all of a sudden on Tuesday. I have no idea what made my brain 'click' and think this is not going to get me very far but now reading these posts there are some good ideas and tips on what to do the next time i feel like binging! ?
Have you tried reading the Beck diet solution: train your brain to think like a thin person (Judith Beck) Bright pink cover £2.99 in the works or £7.99 on amazon. Very helpful uses cognitive therapy. Tries to work through cravings,over eating, rewarding yourself and not punishing yourself.
Jayne x
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As my sister told me a few weeks ago ... Feeling slim is better than the taste of chocolate :)

Problem is that feeling slim is a long way off for me, and chocolate does taste soooooo good!!

I was doing my studies for my CIMA accountancy exams yesterday and got to the point on project management. I found a theory in there that is very applicable to weigh loss. It's to do with the fact that there is resistance to change. The principles behind what you need to do are the same in weigh loss to project management. And I suppose that does make sense after all everyone here is in the middle of a project.

So you need to break the habits, the way of doing things in the past. You then need to educate yourself into why the new way is better for you. Then you need to implement this new lifestyle and then re-enforce and monitor how the change is being received.
Have you tried reading the Beck diet solution: train your brain to think like a thin person (Judith Beck) Bright pink cove £2.99 in the works or £7.99 on amazon. Very helpful uses cognitive therapy. Very helpful.

This is an excellent book. It's not a diet plan but is supposed to be used in conjunction with a well balanced eating plan like SW. It works on defending yourself against the negative thought processes which lead us to overeat, binge, comfort eat etc. It really is worth a try.
What inspirational words people have given u. I know what u mean, i have been doing the same over last 3 weeks. I hit target in feb and went a bit under and im sure for me its psychological. Ive lost it before, i can do it again!! Im feeling bloated, fat and horrible now! Havent been to weigh in for 3 weeks! Just need that inspiration and motivation i started with!!
I seem to be ok and on plan till it hits thurs/fridays then stray a bit then by sunday its screwed!!
Im hoping i can put it down to it being the easter and royal wedding weekend and put a line under it all and start again!!

Good luck to u!
How are we all doing today?

There is such a condition as Binge Eating Disorder ~ not always recognised as such its up there with anorexia and bulimia. Help can be hard to come by but its out there. I was told by someone its a case of willpower. I'm not too sure. I have the will power to buy binge foods but not to eating sensibly even when I know I feel better when i do so.

Life can be a mess~up when you are in the throws of Binge Eating.

If anyone wants to talk feel free to PM me. I'm all ears and all i bite is food!

Judith & Pickle the wonder dog
The problem being that 'most' people don't see binging as an eating disorder. Health care professionals have only recently started to recognise this as an eating disorder (compared to anorexia & bulimia) & so most people suffering from it just feel as though they should snap themselves out of it and stop eating so much.
However it IS a real disorder. Its NOT an excuse as to why you eat so much, but a REASON!
My Doctor has been very supportive - unfortunately for me, i didn't realise i could or should get professional help for it until recently.
I meet up with one cpn who just told me it was willpower.... which I found unhelpful. Another cpn said all I had to do was eat breakfast. Which planet was she on. Breakfast or not I end up binging.

There is a helpful book ~ Overcoming Binge Eating Disorder by Christopher Fairburns. I need to do the work and not just read it ~ but it makes sence and bridges the gap for when professionals won't take you seriously.

B.E.D. sucks!

Hope you are enjoying this sunny weather

Judith & Pickle the wonder dog
i'm in exactly the same boat hun, stick to plan throughout the day then the minute i sit down on the sofa with the soaps i feel i need to pick at stuff! i have started distracting myself, maybe painting my nails or reading a mag.. its usually boredom for me! hope this helps :]
I feel I could've written the OP myself. I binge on food until my stomach hurts, I eat in secret when my children are in bed or OH at work etc, I feel embarrassed & guilty but most of all a complete failure. I went to the Dr's & they just tried to give me xenicol which I didn't want, now they have referred me to a dietition (my 1st appointment tomorrow) but I feel they're just going to tell me what I should/shouldn't eat which I already know. I think if I told them I made myself sick after I binged it would be a different story!

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins
Have you tried reading the Beck diet solution: train your brain to think like a thin person (Judith Beck) Bright pink cover £2.99 in the works or £7.99 on amazon. Very helpful uses cognitive therapy. Tries to work through cravings,over eating, rewarding yourself and not punishing yourself.
Jayne x
hi i found this in the works and its in the sale for £1.99 now so i bought it but not read it yet thanx for the info though hope it helps me xx
Went back to group last night after 3 weeks off the 'wagon'.. I put on 4lbs and it's sent me right back to where I started!
Really annoyed with myself but seeing it as a chance to start again, to lose the weight, to be slim.:D
Not wasting any more time brooding over it, just drawing a line and starting afresh...
Off to the gym now to get some lengths done in the pool!:eek:

Wish me luck!

I will be slim, I will!:rolleyes: