how can i stop binge eating?

I know how it feels too. Last night I had a binge and ended up nearly being sick :-( felt very ashamed of myself and couldnt even bring myself to tell the OH why I was so sick last night.

Why do we do these things to ourselves??!! I didnt even realise until after I had done it which makes it even worse!!

I have now joined SW and sorted the fridge out to start it properly tomorrow.
I think that reading my book might help me, thanks for the excellent tips!!

Hopefully we can kick these binge eating habbits in the bum! :)
Just wanted to say what a fantastic and powerful thread.

You are not alone, when I say I binge eat, I excessively binge eat. Large bag of crisps followed by a very large bag of crisps, more choc and slices of white bread thick with marg. I don't keep things like that in the house however when I get a trigger I go out and buy the stuff.

I have the will power to lose the weight as I lost over 3 stone almost 10 years ago - I felt amazing!

I know the triggers and I'm consciously aware of the food I am putting in my mouth yet I can't stop myself.

Waffled on a bit but as I said earlier, hang on in air, you are not alone xc
I feel I could've written the OP myself. I binge on food until my stomach hurts, I eat in secret when my children are in bed or OH at work etc, I feel embarrassed & guilty but most of all a complete failure. I went to the Dr's & they just tried to give me xenicol which I didn't want, now they have referred me to a dietition (my 1st appointment tomorrow) but I feel they're just going to tell me what I should/shouldn't eat which I already know. I think if I told them I made myself sick after I binged it would be a different story!

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Hi your post could have been written by me
It was very brave to admit you purge after a binge
So do i xx

Is it okay if I join you guys?? I've been reading your posts and I've gone from being in tears a while back to being inspired! Thank you!

I've done Slimming World for about 2 years and lost 6 stone. I've come to realise that I binge eat as a coping mechanism. I eat to the point I feel sick; I don't want the food; I'm not even enjoying it but I can't stop the compulsion to over eat. Then after the binge I feel so guilty.

Phoned my Slimming World consultant today and she had me in tears by basically saying "we've been here before" and "maybe you should take a break from Slimming World". Felt like she was giving up on me; but I've come to realise that I can't blame her for not understanding that binge eating and comfort eating are so different!
Went back to group last night after 3 weeks off the 'wagon'.. I put on 4lbs and it's sent me right back to where I started!
Really annoyed with myself but seeing it as a chance to start again, to lose the weight, to be slim.:D
Not wasting any more time brooding over it, just drawing a line and starting afresh...
Off to the gym now to get some lengths done in the pool!:eek:

Wish me luck!

I will be slim, I will!:rolleyes:

Don't give yourself a hard time - I expect a significant gain on Wednesday for weigh in; but like you I'm going to draw a line in the sand and try again. Someone said to me once that Slimming World wouldn't be as successful an organisation as it is if we were able to do it on our own. We will get there!
I comfort eat, because I don't have the guts to say how I feel or confront people who walk all over me, so I 'swallow' my feelings. I think this is the reason I like doughy foods.
Right now I could eat a whole pack of doughnuts or some hotdogs, it helps the upset go down!
I comfort eat, because I don't have the guts to say how I feel or confront people who walk all over me, so I 'swallow' my feelings. I think this is the reason I like doughy foods.
Right now I could eat a whole pack of doughnuts or some hotdogs, it helps the upset go down!

Do you find it is the same people that can make you feel that bad?? I know it definitely is for me.
Binged again!

I'm angry, sad and frustrated..... so I hit the food.

I used to go to class and the C didn't so get it that I binged. Think they are only used to "normal" eaters who have no issues with food.

And seeing I've started I wonder why stop now? Becuase I want to lose this jelly belly for once and I hate the way I look. I should have gone to yoga tonight but I freaked myself out about it. Never said I would make sence.

So all I am doing is beating myself up over it - and beating myself by putting food down my throat.

When will this ever end?

:mad: Judith & Pickle
Binged again!

I'm angry, sad and frustrated..... so I hit the food.

I used to go to class and the C didn't so get it that I binged. Think they are only used to "normal" eaters who have no issues with food.

And seeing I've started I wonder why stop now? Becuase I want to lose this jelly belly for once and I hate the way I look. I should have gone to yoga tonight but I freaked myself out about it. Never said I would make sence.

So all I am doing is beating myself up over it - and beating myself by putting food down my throat.

When will this ever end?

:mad: Judith & Pickle

Judith, please don't continue, one binge is nothing, a blip. Dust yourself down, go for a walk, think of three things you are thankful for today. Write them down and stick them on the fridge!
Tomorrow try to think of another three at the end of the week there will be 21 good things in your life.
You are who you ARE, not what you do. You occasionally overeat, you are not a binger (Isn't binge a weird word), it may sound mad to keep saying this to yourself, but I believe we can fulfill prophecy. So if you say to yourself 'I can't stop bingeing' that will become the case. So shoulders back look yourself in the eye and tell yourself what a lovely person you are, smile at yourself, give yourself a pat on the back.
You have achieved many things, celebrate them!

Oh and we'll be here to catch you just in case xxxxx
Binged again!

I'm angry, sad and frustrated..... so I hit the food.

I used to go to class and the C didn't so get it that I binged. Think they are only used to "normal" eaters who have no issues with food.

And seeing I've started I wonder why stop now? Becuase I want to lose this jelly belly for once and I hate the way I look. I should have gone to yoga tonight but I freaked myself out about it. Never said I would make sence.

So all I am doing is beating myself up over it - and beating myself by putting food down my throat.

When will this ever end?

:mad: Judith & Pickle

I so wish I could give you a big hug - you so sound like you need one!

I spoke to my consultant today and she so doesn't get binge eating; she still thinks it's comfort eating and as you and I know the two are so different! I agree with what you are saying consultants don't seem to be able to deal with members who have issues surrounding food!

Reading your post - I so identified with what you are feeling. Is reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way - thank you!
Thank you all for ur kind words and inspiration. Will get my hands on a book i think then hopefully will get somewhere. Hugs to you all
Thank you
Do let us know how you are doing and getting along.

The binge monster has been raging a lot on my life recently.

Judith & Pickle the wonder dog
Hi all. Just googled how to stop binge eating and it came up with this thread just wondered how you were all doing?

I have been a binge eater for years but recently it has got worse, its worring me that its coming hand in hand with wanting to drink more. I was diagnosed with depression at the begining of the yr and have been in meds. They have helped with my moods but all the things of excess have come on stronger my gp have refd me for an on line councelling service ( as a start before seeing someone) just waiting for password any words of incouragement from you guys would be great.
When I start a binge it goes on for days and I find it really hard to break it.

Really sucks :-(
This is an amazing thread and its very therapeutic. Its good to read I'm not the only one who binges. When you're doing it feels like you're the only one. :(
This is an amazing thread and its very therapeutic. Its good to read I'm not the only one who binges. When you're doing it feels like you're the only one. :(

I Always feel like no one else Messes up like I do. I'm slowly feeling more normal haha
HI guys it is definitely helpful to know that we are not on our own. I have been reading a book from the libary called 'overcoming bing eating'. It's in 2 parts, the first part goes into the back ground of eating disorders and compares 'binge eating' and 'compulsive overeating' to eating disorders such as bulemia and anarexia. It is really interesting read. I could identify with a lot of what was said about being a 'binge eater' it has made me feel more normal - whatever that is!!

The second part is the CBT self help bit. I'm going to start reading that tonight. I'm hoping it is going to give me some helpful stratigies to stop the bingeing. I'll let you know what the main points are and whether its worth the read.
This is my first day back on plan after a 4 day dreading the scales when I weigh on so annoyed with myself need to stop this cycle I feel disgusting.....its out of my system now anyway and hopefully next time I feel the urge to binge ill read this post and remember how I feel afterwards x
I only went back to class last week after 7 weeks of been so bold I really taught I would have done serious damage but thak God only up 1lb was weight last nite down 1 1/2 I'm very happy but really need to boost my loss I've been using the scan bran it's great it really gets u thinking as u need to find ways to eat it it's very filling also I totally recommend it here hoping it will show on the scales