How do i get back on track


Full Member
Not been good for the last 4 weeks put on 5lb but still have 1st 4lb to target. Been really good today but I'm really struggling to get back on to track feel like I'm craving sweet foods constantly and don't feel full on what I'm eating. Has anyone else gone off track and how did you get back in to the whole dieting frame of mind.
hey lovey, it is hard when you fall off the wagon. Go back to basics, keep a food diary, stock up on food, make loadsa meals that can go in the freezer for whenever you are hungry. WW dessert yoghurts are the thing that save me. Have a hot choc, meringues, all low syn stuff, alpen light cherry bakewell is larverly! Sugar free fizzy as well. Go out and buy the magazine and be inspired. Be kind to yourself and get back on it whilst there isnt to much damage. 5lbs isnt alot in 4 weeks, but stop it now before it gets out of control :) Go for a walk! Walk everywhere, stomp it out! Come on lady! You can do it!!!
Your not on your own I've put 4 lbs on in last 3 weeks and know I'll have put on this week too. Have had 1 100% day this week pizza and a curry. Can't get myself motivated but still trying. Good luck hope our motivation comes back soon. X
The one thing I always do when I go off plan is go back to basics obviously with the plan itself but also with looking at the reasons why I wanted to lose weight in the first place and also looking at where I started and how far I've come. Hope that helps :)

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Thanks still not gone over syns today but baby is off to bed at 8 so think I'll try giving a hot choc a go. Tomorrow think I'll try a food diary they normally help me. Just need to get first few days out of the way and I know I'll just fall back in to sw routine. This is all because I went on holiday and was my baby's 1st birthday so my routine was totally changed. Thanks for advice x
About 2 months ago i decided to have a weekend "off" and really struggled to get back on plan for a week after that, resulting in a 3.5lb gain in one week! The things that got me back on plan were going to WI and seeing the damage, reading my books from cover to cover again and keeping a meticulous food diary. It is tricky to do, but you're right to say that after the first couple of days you'll be back to your SW-friendly self.

Good luck!