How easy is it to get out of ketosis ?


Ready for the new me!
Feel like a complete idiot ! I was cooking the OH dinner and burnt my thumb on bean sauce so reflex reaction and stuck it in my mouth just as it dawned on me, i ran to the sink to wash my mouth out :mad:.

I didnt swallow anything, am i being a paranoid nut and worrying over nothing :sigh: ?
Lol - I think we are all a bit paranoid on low carb diets. No - you will not have put yourself out of ketosis so don't worry. That is not an invitation to keep dipping your fingers in the sauce lol!!!
Lol paranoid for some, im more insane! Haha if i had myself being recorded for that i would of posted it for a load of laughs, i was like a loon! Such a blonde moment.

Gosh i shall not be cooking anything in sauce for him again!! lol.
Yes Lucy :) or better still get him to make it himself hehe :p
You won't be out of ketosis, should have rushed to the sink to run your thumb under cold water. Hope you are okay.
Thanks slendablenda, yeh ill be fine :) thumbs rather raw at the moment so put some cream on it. Hehe i was more concerned about the consuming of sauce than burning myself :doh:.
Hope your thumb is ok. I didn't know that ketosis could be so easily gotten out of! I must admit I don't know much about it, only that I have dry lips!!!