How long does it take to get into ketosis


New Member
Hi, this is my first post but I've read quite a lot of posts on here. I've been on SS since Friday so I'm now on day 4 and I wondered if I ought to be in ketosis yet? I bought some ketostix and I'm not :(. I'm drinking 2 - 3 litres of water each day and I haven't cheated at all. I'm also starving, my stomach growled and grumbled all night but I just couldn't physically drink any more water. I know people vary but I was hoping I'd feel less ravenous when I'm ketotic!
Hi Libby

Well done for getting in to Day 4 chick...keep going it will be worth the effort.
As for getting in to ketosis, I understand that it does vary depending on various factors but it is typically around day 4 so keep going, you cant be far off it now.

Lou x
Thank you, I feel dreadful. So tired and lightheaded. I've also had a long day at work but on the plus side I have managed to drink over 3l of water today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! I'm finding cooking for the family quite hard and it's making me grumpy, lol. Some of the success stories are inspirational so I'll have an early night and read a few more once I've got tea time out of the way.