How long until the cravings go away?


Gold Member
I'm on the paleo diet at the moment just for two weeks. My new trainer says that I'm totally addicted to sugar so need to get it out of my system. I'm on day 4 and bar one accidental oxo cube in a large pot of veg soup I've not cheated at all. The thing is, I am feeling rubbish. Everyone keeps telling me how amazing you feel when you cut out carbs and dairy and processed foods... I do not feel like this at all. I would kill for something carby, or even a can of diet coke!! I usually have no will power at all so I'm proud of myself for going this long and I intend to stay on a lower carb and processed foods diet once these two weeks are up, but how long until this gets less awful? Food is all I can think about! I dreamt about a sandwich last night... That's not normal!

Tell me I'm not going insane and tomorrow I'll wake up feeling wonderful please!? Hehe

Kate x
Agree - feeling bad is approx 4-5 days and then energy comes back after a week to 10 days or so.

I'm now low carb permanently - dont like how it feels so dont feel restricted or a need to cheat:)