how much extra do your cd bars and tetras cost you??

Mine charges £2.05 for the bars and tetras which is quite a lot more than my first CDC. He comes to the house though which saves on petrol and I find more convenient as he comes when my 3 year old is at nursery.

Laura x
Mine charges £1.70 for the shakes and soups £1.95 for the tetras and £1.95 for the bars.

I am on 4 a day so it's working out quite expensive :( I want to stick with it though because although I've not had my first weigh in, I can feel that I have lost weight already :)

I am only just over 5ft 8 so did ask about having 3 a day but to be honest on those days I've only had 3 packs I have felt really lacking in energy so it's worth the extra to feel better!