How Slimming World Works - Advice for Newbies (Updated for 2015)

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This site is great for support and tips, best of luck :D
I've just started too Bree and weigh in on a Sunday so I'll see you there.
I have to say that as well as not being hungry, my skin is the clearest it's been in years!!!!PLUS!

Thanks for this thread - Fantastic advice(^_^)
Brilliant post - thanks so much!!!
I've been doing SW for about 3 weeks now, but only just found this site and it's already invaluable!!!
Still having the odd day of panic at not knowing syn values, though it's an old habit from weight watchers i'm afraid. Still i'll figure it out soon!!

Thanks again, and good luck to everyone!!!! :D
Great post thank you for the great info :)
Woooo I'm so excited for this now :D
Thank you that has made it a bit more clearer for me now! I was reading over the book that many times I was just confusing myself!
Where mam i going wrong?

I have been doing slimming world since jan 2011 and have only lost 5lbs, one week i lose and the next week i gain it has been like that since i started , I use to go to class and my consultant could not understand why this was happening and she did not do much to help me so have stop going and doing it from home. I have read what you have written above and can't see where i am going wrong,Have you ever heard of this happening to any one else? If so what did they do? I have been doing all three plans just to see if that helpsnot sure its working though, i mean by now when i calculate i should have lost 1st 7lbs by now, I am feeling so down about it ,i don't want to give up because i think it is a healthy way to eat. Can you help me? any advise would be appreciated i am really desperate. Sorry for ranting but need some help and guidance. Please.please help me. Thank you.
Sorry you are struggling. The thing to do is start keeping a food diary on here and note everything that passes your lips, including quantities. What plan do you do? How much weight do you have to lose and is it a reasonable target? Do you exercise? Are you eating enough? Or too many free foods? Are you on any medications that might affect your losses?

Lots of questions and no answers I'm afraid but starting your food diary will be the first step to sorting it out.

Don't give up!
Sorry squiddie dont know how to quote your text as the ticky box not working!
I joined this week and for the next few weeks the joining fee half price so only 9.95 for the first week, a bargain for all the books you get to start you off!
Re-joined Again!!!


Great post, very informative, i rejoined last week after falling off the wagon and getting very complacent!! Have been following the EE choice for the first time and have to say am loving it, it seems soo easy and here's hoping it will reflect on the scales this Thursday ;).
Good luck to all other slimmers out there too -x-

One more day to weigh in - I've been good - I promise lol!
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I have been doing slimming world since jan 2011 and have only lost 5lbs, one week i lose and the next week i gain it has been like that since i started , I use to go to class and my consultant could not understand why this was happening and she did not do much to help me so have stop going and doing it from home. I have read what you have written above and can't see where i am going wrong,Have you ever heard of this happening to any one else? If so what did they do? I have been doing all three plans just to see if that helpsnot sure its working though, i mean by now when i calculate i should have lost 1st 7lbs by now, I am feeling so down about it ,i don't want to give up because i think it is a healthy way to eat. Can you help me? any advise would be appreciated i am really desperate. Sorry for ranting but need some help and guidance. Please.please help me. Thank you.
Wirebound, I don't know if this will be any help but it may be worth a try. When I 1st started SW I maintained my first week, and gained the 2nd then 3rd week after looking at what I had eaten lots of, I cut right back on those things and then on 3rd week lost 10lb in 1 week.....and the things that I couldn't eat as freely as others can were, Cous Cous (that was by far the worst and still is ...I can always tell by my weight loss or gain if I have eaten it, so I try to avoid it as much as possible, then Pasta, Rice, Bulgar Wheat all those kinds of foods I eat in moderation as I do tend to have some sort of body aversion to them...Maybe you are the I said might be an idea to actually look at what you eat most of and the quantities, and as was said before keep a proper and full food diary, amounts included.
Gl with your journey I am sure you'll work it out.
Lily xx
Oh and Squiddie a really great informative post even for those of us that have been with S/W quite a long time lol ty x
Hi, I have just returned to SW after a little while on WW. Don't get me wrong, I did lose some weight on WW, but it's so complicated. Glad to be back and going to try my best to crack on. Inspiring words Squiddie, keep up the good word. x
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