How to get back on the wagon AND STAY! - DAY 2


Alright.....Day 2 !
I keep on wishing I would have started on Monday instead of on Wednesday, but here we are, day 4 on the week and day 2 of my struggle.
Yesterday was really, really hard. I was obsessing with just eating a small piece of a carrot, or a tomato or even a cucumber.
In the end, I went to bed at like 8:50 pm (!!!) :nightf:

Feeling a bit low on energy, I really hope it will pay off in the end.
Right now I just want the days to pass, and I hope I will be stronger next week.

Tonight is ZUMBA time!! Has anyone ever tried that? I am seriously NOT a good dancer and I can't really imagine myself shaking my hips to burn off calories, but atleast it will keep me busy from thinking about food......... :party0051:

I figured out I have a bad relationship with food. It fills me up. Not only my belly, but it makes me feel good, it calms me to eat.
But I am ending this relationship now. It's over. And like they say, with love, it hurts like hell to let it go, but when you are in a bad relationship that only hurts - you'll be so much better off without it. I want to change my life, I want to be stronger, fitter and lighter. Not eating to fill a bottomless hole. I am going to fill that hole with confidence! And I know, if I can get through this, if I reach my target goal, I can do anything.

Seriously, people: you guys are heroes! It takes so much dedication, discipline and determination to do this. I am sure that you guys all have the determination and character to climb mount everest, or even run a marathon (now, all I said was determination, I didn't say we should do it! :) )

Alright. Here we go. Changing our lives. Not letting food and fat get the best of us. Taking control and becoming beautiful, not only on the outside but from within.

And it's already Day 2. Another day, another chance, another step in the right direction. :grouphugg:
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