

Full Member
Okay on my 3rd week - about to go into my 4th and the last two evenings I have been starving.... Im okay during the day but finding the evenings really difficult - Ive started going to bed at 8 oclock and reading to get through it.

Now I shouldnt feel hungry so why do I?? Im going to ask the chemist for the ketostix today because im worried that somehow ive come out of ketosis.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Are you sure its physical hunger and not just wanting to eat for the sake of it or through bordem? i find night time my worst time too espc when my boys are in bed!
Hey Ally, I hear ya!! I am great during the day, night time is the worst. I try have my last shake as late as possible and busy myself around the house if I can, or maybe go for a walk. I doubt v. much you are out of Ketosis, so don't worry. I was always a night eater and I think my body still needs to adjust, maybe you are the same???
You see when im driving home - im thinking about food -mainly what to feed my daughter and then when she is eating her dinner im watching her - this makes me want to eat.

I used to be able to wait until 8 oclock for my soup but now I can barely wait until 7 - im so so hungry.

Then at about 9 the hunger cramps start - im drinking my water so I dont understand.

Its very frustrating because up to now ive been flying along and taking it day by day but now im thinking about how long I have left on the diet

There is no way in hell im giving up before ive reached my goal - but the experience is becoming unpleasant as before I was just in love with this diet.
hey ally yeah I sometimes feel the same way, thats why I ususally have my last shake as late as I can (so I dont get up in the middle of the night and pee) and that seems to work (well so far so good)