I am on a mission to declutter


is happy being Yorkiegirl
Anyone care to join me?
My house is far too cluttered. I haven't had a good sort out in a very long time. Plus my DH was a secret hoarder, and since he died I have found all sorts, squirreled all over the house.
Now that my loft conversion is done, I am most definitely on a mission to declutter my home so that I feel better about it. I have hit rock bottom mood wise, and have been signed off work until the end of September. So I need to get this house sorted in order to feel calmer and more positive.
So far I have emptied the home office and repainted it. My 3 year old DD is now installed in there as her new, very pink bedroom. She was sharing with my 5 yo DD, but they decided they wanted separate rooms, so the room they were sharing is becoming my office/craft room. Once I throw out all the junk which has accumulated in there!
I am going to give a lot of stuff which can be sold to the British Heart Foundation, as my DH died of a heart attack.

ANyone want to join in and declutter with me?
Good for you Anna

So sorry that you have lost your DH. It must have taken great strength to decide to declutter his hoard. I bet it will be in all a wonderful experience sad of course but some lovely memories too I bet.

Anyway I will get to the point. I will join you too. I admire those that can do major decluttering but I do it in small steps as and when I feel able. I am due another round of decluttering. I like the decluttering tips and encouragement on this site. Have you seen it before.

FlyLady.net: Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home

Speak to you soon.

Dizzy x
I will join you too. Everything here seems to be moving along too fast. The house will be on the market by the weekend and I have not even started to de clutter it. Trouble is I have been so busy with CD clients that I just cant seem to get a day to get started.

I will have to have a good read of the site you have recommended Dizzy.

My DH's idea is to get a skip in and dump everything. I would not mind but it is my stuff that he is talking about.
I have a number of books on de-cluttering and home organising - surely something should sink in over the years :) !! I have the Sidetracked Home Executives book that they mention on that site - its brilliant!
Got the morning to myself once the girls are at school so I am going to get cracking. Need to go through the room which the girls shared and sort more stuff out to go to charity or in the bin. Plus have a blinkin good clean! Dust dust everywhere...
Once that is done I need to move on to all the stuff which came out of my old office. It's stacked in the bedroom which my eldest DD is going to have, and there is far too much stuff. How on earth has it accumulated so fast? I think I will be off to the tip over the next few days at least once.