I binged all weekend :(

So I have created tempory Neural pathways. I can binge at the weekend and then be strict for 5 1/2 days ;D

:8855:Ha ha ha...liked this one.
Ya gotta laugh, this whole diet malarky is sending me crazy!!
Who am I kidding...last night I could have MURDERED a ham sandwich (white bread/mustard)...but I didn't...eeeek!
I just want to be normal.What's normal??? Anyone know?? :sigh:
Depends what you mean by normal.

Normal as in: a healthy, logical, sensible relationship with food - exercising control as an intelligent creature can to prevent discomfort even when faced with tasty things, and primarily using food as fuel.


Normal as in: what most people do.

because it isn't the same thing. most people have an emotional relationship with food to a greater or lesser extent. Most people overindulge when they know they shouldn't. The reason that most people aren't battling obesity or disordered eating is that this definition of 'normal' is a continuum. People who put on a few pounds at christmas on one end, compulsive binge eaters on the other.

moderation, though, can be hard. just like recovering alcoholics, for some people (and i suspect that's me) they might never achieve the 'putting on a few pounds over christmas' state, and instead have to aim for the more puritanical, all-or-nothing first definition of normal.

Depends what you mean by normal.

Normal as in: a healthy, logical, sensible relationship with food - exercising control as an intelligent creature can to prevent discomfort even when faced with tasty things, and primarily using food as fuel.


Yessss!! That normal...yes please! :innocent0001:
And being able to take emotion out of it. Aaargh lots of work to go. I'm hoping to crack it this time ;)