I can do this, right?

Hey Hun,
Good luck on your restart! I am on day 4 of my restart too. I did CD a couple of years ago, but was only on it long enough to lose 20lbs - which meant I was still a long way from goal. I guess that didn't keep me motivated enough to keep me on track. Then I was in a car accident and due to the injuries, my weight crept back up. However, we are both here and getting our arses back into gear!! We can do this!!

Hi there hun - sorry I missed your post earlier. I logged on at work and the internet there is sooo slow...

Well done on getting to Day 4 - and thanks for the encouragement!

kellyv81 said:
Hi ya,
I've eaten this morning but will have a shake in the evening and start properly tommorrow!
I thought I'd find drinking water the hardest thing but when I came off the diet I still found myself drinking water!
Even when we eat out I still have it, so that's not my problem this time it's going to be my old friend Chocolate.
Funny thing is we all know that on this diet you really don't need anything else you just want it, but telling yourself you don't need the chocolate bar really doesn't work some times does it!!

Yep, know what you mean. But I'm determined to be strong this time. Maybe I should get me a wedding dress too. Not that I'm getting married again, you understand, just a dress to aim to get into, LOL. Hmm, maybe I could get me a slinky cocktail dress or something? Methinks I need a photo for the fridge too!

All the best for tomorrow - I know you can do it!

blingbabe said:
Good luck with the re-start, you have done it before and will do it again.
I have a similar tale to tell about losing a lot of weight, but I just went crazy on a holiday to Spain, the next time I stole an Easter Egg from a 3 year old boy which started an eating frenzy and the weight piled on again.
This time we must vow to keep it off, although you have indeed did better than me in terms of not regaining it all.
All the best x
PS - dear little boy (son of friend living in Wales bought replacement chocs and remained blissfully unaware of crime committed against him, although his mum and aunt had a good laugh!)

LOL, that's funny :D I think I may have 'stolen' the odd choccie pressie from my son in my time - again, without him ever knowing, of course. ;) What are we like?

Anyway, managed to get through Day 1. Bit headachey and weary, but not feeling too bad, all things considered. Onwards and downwards... :D