I can't see it!!! What is wrong with me?!? Voice of reason please!


Full Member
Hi everyone!

Thanks for reading!!

I have been on the cambridge diet now since July this year. in total i have lost 4 stone and one lb. i have gone from a size 18 dress size to a size 10/12. I am incredibly happy... however... when I look in the mirror, i just see big hips and a belly. My consultant said you have to give your mind time to catch up with your body but i still think I am fat! My parents believe i have body dysmorphia... i am not sure? I am still wanting to lose more weight as i still see fat. my consultant said she is reluctant to take me any slimmer?! i don't know what to do :confused: I thought losing weight would make me much happier.. and it has in a way however now i just see every single flaw and am completely over critical in myself!

Hoping someone can help.. should I see a doctor?

Thanks again everyone.

Lucy - x
Getting used to your new figure is one of the challenges of the diet. I've got down to a healthy weight before only to still feel fat - it's only when you put the weight back on you realise how thin youaactually were! Your consultant is right, it takes time for your mind to catch up. Without knowing you personally or facts like weight/height/if you have been big your whole life etc it's difficult to know if it's serious or just you needing a chance to get used to it. Try for a second to ignore the mirror and think rationally - you are a size 10/12 which is fantastic!!! Well done you!
It does take you head a while to catch up what you see in the mirror. I would go buy 18-20 clothes even though I was a 14, for months!
Welcome to the world of skinny. You have become one of those thin people we all despair at because they think they are fat. It is all relative, when you are really big you can't understand why thin people think they are fat, but when you are thinner it is the smaller things that you notice (that really no one else will see). I remember when a size 10 if I put on 3 lbs I could see every pound of it go on, when bigger I put on 3lb and don't even notice. Now you are at goal weight up the exercise to get toned and enjoy being slim.

If you really think there is a problem try Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, this addresses thought processes and can be applied to anything from weight loss, body dysmorphia, depression etc. You can usually buy a book and have to do exercises to correct the way you think about things.

Well done on all your weight loss.
Once you loose the weight often your body still doesn't look much different as you have got used to the gradual change. What about exercise and making your next goal toning and tightening? That would make you look slimmer and give you a new focus.. Maybe spend some money on a personal trainer so you know where to start