I cheated terribley and binged on Cheerios!!!


New Member
I AM SO disappointed in myself! I woke up, thinking I was going back to boarding school so I wasn't going to get a chance to have ice cream again.. so I had half a snickers ice cream bar... then I saw a chunk of chocolate on the table.. oh one nibble won't hurt.. then I made some oat bran porridge.. ooh look, vanilla yoghurt.. low fat.. chocolate shavings? Nah it's a treat.. took that and then he Celebrations box was also on the table. A solitary galaxy called out to me and I look on the underside of the box.. only 45 calories per peice. So I nibbled on that. Then, debate on whether I was actually stayong at boarding school or not and then stress.. oh no. Oh, Cheerios are healthy! And I have just been eating handful after handful... and now I realise.. how is this going to affect my diet? Am I going to have to start all over again!? How can I rectify my mistake?? *shoves another handful of Cheerios in* I am stressing out!