I dont understand this milk business.

thats loooaddds having said that u could also eat 15 and half bags of walkers french fries crisps lol if you get the multipack ones they're only 1 pt instead of 1.5 for the ones u buy separately
Oooohhh the choices. lol. I might not have dinner and just pig out all night on low fat goodies! lol.
i have been tempted to not use any points then use them all on family size bag of doritos. as they're 18pts per bag
pmsl. I just had a bowl of special k. Down to 13 points now! lol. Doritos sound good right now. I just pulled a chicken noodle doodle pot out the freezer so I got something to tide me over. Kids had a disco tonight and their due back soon so i just put them a big deep pan pepperoni pizza in the oven and I am soooooo tempted to steal a slice when its cooked but I'm not gonna give in. Good girl I am - Now wheres my halo????
Gerry that one milk is the same as skimmed milk but it designed to taste like semi skimmed.

I only count my milk if i have cereal or porridge as i have a tiny amount in coffee.

Farmfoods do One milk 2 for £1.50 but you can mix and match so i normally get the one for me and a blue for my kids n hubby.

It costs more than £1.50 in tesco for 1!!!!
