I feel really sick, help!!


biker babe!
Hi all,
Ive been doing CD on SS+ since September. Ive had a break over Christmas (eve, day and boxing day) and now im back on day 1 of SS+. Its going ok, and i dont really feel hungry but i do feel really really nausious/sick. im glugging loads of water but i feel pants. Is there anything else i can do to make the sick feeling go away?
please help cause i dont know what to do!

Keelie x
Hello, I have no idea what could be causing the sickness, maybe as you are heading back to ketosis?

I just wanted to send you a ((hug)) and send my best wishes to hope you get better.

Well done getting back on to it.

Bec x
heya hun, ive no answer either but it could just be getting used to the packs again? cuz i know once i start cd the 1st day or two my tummy can be a lil upset. hope your feeling better soon :hug99: xx
thanks for your replies. In the end I had to eat something as I was at work and I felt so so I'll. But I've not eaten tonight ( only drunk water) and I'm going to give it my best shot again tomorrow. Hope fully I'll find it a bit easier as ive already half got back into the swing today x
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
Hope you have a fantastic 2009 x x