I fell off the wagon for 5/6 months there....im back, sorry :(

Hello Claire.. pleasure to meet you!.. I'm up and down and all over the place at the moment.. so I'm looking for support too. I love this site.. no matter how many times I fall.. there are so many wonderful people to help lift me up again...

I"m right here with you too!.. and heading to that lowcarb site you were talking about!!.. I'll see if there is something similar over here in the US!!!..

YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!! go for it

OH and i was a two pack a day smoker. I lived in South Korea where cigs were a quid a packet. I got back to the UK and they were 6 quid a packet.. I was mortified and decided to quit then and there.. I realised I was a habitual smoker and not an addicted smoker (even on 40 a day I wasn't addicted.. I just enjoyed it.. and had the habit.. ).. broke it in 2002 and haven't smoked since!.. so you CAN do it!
Hi Clairecat:) Hows the no smoking going? Hope you have a good day:)
Morning Claire
Hey hey!

The no smoking has been going good actually, havent had a single one! Having said that, if I had a packet lying around, I'd go smoke one just now! lol!

My diet however, has been going good until today, when I was forced to go to a chinese buffet for dinner (long story)! Thought I would be alright and be able to have foo young and ribs, but.... they had neither!!!

Only things in batter, things in sticky sauce, rice, noodles and chips!!!

I will have completely ruined everything, but I've also been eating twice as much as usual to stop myself smoking, so I'm sure it wouldnt have been a massive loss on my weight in on thursday anyway.

If i sts that would be enough for me!

Funny thing is tho, after only 5 days back on atkins, carbs didnt taste all that great, so its a bonus for me I guess, because I know I dont actually want them!

Sorry, that was probably a bit of a rant! lol!
Morning Claire,

oh yes, those carbs never taste as nice as you imagine they will do they.
Nope! lol! Potato is pretty damn bland, and batter is really just some sort of tastless stodge.

Glad to be back today! hehe! Although not overly excited about tomorrows weight-in! But nevermind, these things happen - not gonna beat myself up about it!
ah well, good luck Claire ;)
Hi claire:)
Well done for not smoking...your getting there and it is sooo worth it!!

Dont worry about the chinese....your only human! Just jump back on the Atkins wagon and you'll be fine. Hope your having a good day!:)

I've still not had a cigarette, but I am definitly replacing smoking with snacking! Could quite happily go back to smoking right now tho. At that stage where I'm convincing myself that I smoke because I like it, not because its a drug and I'm addicted.

My head is playing a sneaky game with me, but I'm on to it! lol!
Morning Claire, I couldn't have dieted and stopped smoking at the same time, I'm impressed
Why, thank you!

I dont like to do things by halves! lol! And I'm just getting ready to move house 2 weeks today, so its all a bit stressful and hectic.

Great time to quit smoking, nevermind and diet! :p
and moving house as well.

Jeez, what are you, wonder woman :D
Hehe! *ponders buying the wonder woman outfit*

Dont know what I'm thinking!
Hi Claire. Hope you have a good day and keep up with the no smoking:)
Morning Claire, how are you today?
Hey everyone!

Still not smoked, still not packed, but not eating the carbs! lol!

as meatloaf once said "two outta three aint bad"

Will need to pack like a mo-fo at the weekend tho, since I'm moving next Friday! Be fine, I have faith in my packing skills!

p.s. would absolutely love a cigarette!
Morning Claire, how far are you moving love
Hi..I fell off the diet goodstyle too...and packed in smoking last May...I used the Alan Carr method if you are interested x
Didn't put weight on and feels tons better :)
All back being good now