I got my half-stone


Silver Member
I wrongly stepped on the scales yesterday (a day ahead of WI) following a not-too-bad night on Saturday (well, for me :D) and read the horrible half-a-pound on (a lot when I'm usually losing quarters to halves a week). I was a bit annoyed, but then realised about Saturday and how Monday was my WI and that was what I should follow.

And today - I've lost half-a-pound, bringing me up to my half-stone lost. I can't tell you how happy I am and determined to do my last 5lbs!

Only taken me two months :rolleyes:
A good story to illustrate why we shouldn't be getting on the scales any day except WI day! :)

Well done Harrie!
Well done! Losing that half a stone is a great feeling and it spurs you on for this week... there is no way I wanted to gain once I reached 7lbs even if I was going for a weekend away to Dublin!