Extra Easy I just feel like im not going to loose anything


Full Member
This is my first week on slimming world and im expecting like everyone else to loose quite big on my first week.

However I feel like I will loose a big fat 0! And if I do I just know I will binge. Im sick of being in the stupid mindframe. Ive had enough of myself.

Anyone understand what I mean?
why are you so convinced you will loose nothing?

if its down to what you can eat believe me i felt the same and it is working. Sometimes you loose big at the start and sometimes you dont. Try and focus on this as a new healthy eating regime and take into account how you feel inside. Do you feel more energetic? Have a sparkle in you eyes? Is your skin improving?

Stick to the plan, eat all those syns up and enjoy them. The plan is designed to work be it fast or slow just have faith in it xx
i understand wot your saying =] i was the same my first week. all i can say is trust the plan, it really does work =] and think positive! i believe you can do it=D
Don't expect a massive loss in the first week. I lost 2lb in my first week, while other new members were losing 4 or 5lb.
My first week's loss was due to weeing for Britain (sorry for TMI :p), I think my body reacted to the change in diet with getting rid of all the excess water. Yes, some people lose more than others in the first week(s), however, we are all different and our bodies react differently to radical food changes. I see where you're coming from that you find it hard to believe that you WILL lose weight, because when I first went to SW in 2011 I found it hard to accept that I can lose weight without ever feeling hungry LOL
Trust your body and give it a chance xx
I only lost 1.5 in my first week and i nearly gave in thinking it wasn't going to work. 8 weeks later I am 25 lb lighter. It really works. Just stick to the plan and you cant go wrong. Good luck :)
In order for the SW world diet to work you just need to follow the plan and have PMA - (positive mental attitude) and you won't go wrong. Regardless of which week you're on, could be the first, tenth, or fiftieth you will need to have a think how to deal with weeks when you just might have a gain or stay the same, as it can happen to the best of us, despite doing nothing wrong.

These are going to be the most challenging times when you need to be strong and feel empowered enough not to let it send you straight off to the pantry.

Please don't put yourself under so much pressure. I really do wish you the best of luck, it's a great plan and it does work. :)
I lost 8lbs in the first & 3lbs on my second. I ate all the food and had approx. 10 sins a day. Hate to say it was easy!
Thank you everyone for your replies.

They have all made me smile and made me feel I can fo this. My weigh in is only one day away so im going to be extra good today and get some walking in.

Im really fed up of failing so I want to do this. I suppose I just don't believe in myself.
Well spj13 until you can believe in yourself - I BELIEVE IN YOU!! X
Your welcome hunny. We all need some support and someone to have faith in us and our abilities.
Hi, yes just stick to plan and the weight will fall off! No ifs or buts!!! And I believe you can do this too! :)