I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Purple Patsy said:
I did thanks lovely and quiet. How about you?

Have you been having fun? :)

Yeah it was really good. Was naughty. Went out with the girls on Saturday. Went to the cinema. Then we decided after to go to the pub. 2am I'm sat in mc Donalds car park eating a burger. Woops. X
Purple Patsy said:
Oh so easy to do post drinkies minchies are the hardest to resist. Willpower what willpower. You'll likely get away with it if you're good the rest of the week. Did you manage to get back on it yesterday? If not we're here to help you back on to the wagon. :)

Fresh week. Fresh start lol. Been good so far. Had 2 syns. :) x
Congratulations in advance for WI tonight. You've done really well this week! :hug99:

hope weigh in goes well hun xx

Congratulations in advance for WI tonight. You've done really well this week! :hug99:

Thank you ladies.

As I've been so good and sort of doing Success Express I'm hopeful for a reasonable loss but who knows what might happen. :fingerscrossed:

I'll update both here and on the curvys thread when I get back from WI. :D
Good Afternoon :wavey:

Just read back my diary for the past week and although I have been posting regularly very little of it has actually been about SW. There's been a few scant references to SE but not much else which surprises me a little as usually if I'm being good I want to announce it to the world. :eek:

Well I have been super good :angel09: although I may on occasion have missed the SE rules a bit I have had way more fruit and veg than normal and even when I have missed it would still be on plan, just on one of the less arduous ones. Not faltered even once all week.

I've also been listening to my pods all night every night, or at least that was the plan but I managed to mute my laptop in my sleep one night. And the mains cable fell out and the battery died another night but mostly running the pods all night. I'm now convinced they are working as yesterday after work I found myself in a sports shop buying toning trainers. I'm currently wearing them round the office to break them in. (I got plain black ones so I could wear them to work so that any walking I do will be toning me too.) Now all I have to do is start to plan in some real walking, but I may wait till it's lighter at night and just do weekends and incidentals meantime. :eek: Still it feels like quite a breakthrough for me to be even contemplating it. :D

I think the pods are also helping me sleep as even when I do wake up I manage to get back off more easily than before. Hence I'm not so wiped out and therefore a bit more positive and energetic. :D Can't wait for the full effects as it's good so far.

Well I have WI tonight and am hoping for a good result but who knows. My body can be an awkward so & so sometimes. Hopefully not this time, but I'll update my diary when I get back. :D

Speak to you all later. :D
Well done in advance for WI x

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Well that was even better thanhoped it would be. I lost 5lbs, :bliss: unheard of for me, and I realised I got into the 17s last week and an now half way out of them.:D And only need to lose 1.5 lb for my next shiny. Oh and I got SOTW too. Still can't quite believe it.

Sorry for the delay in updating this but my mum needed me to do a few wee jobs for her on my way home, and I couldn't just run off as soon as I had done them.

Anyway I'll come down off of :character00100: at some point but I'm enjoying the buzz too much tonight. Bye for now, I'm off to update my stats. Oh exciting and just relised I've got less than 100 lbs to lose to get to my guessed target now. :D:D