Can't believe it. i had just made hubby a nice hot toffee and walnut shake, then went to make mine. I had fancied a banana flavour and only had one. Hot water in a measure left a minute , poured the shake in , good old whizz. Some of the shake flew out and burned my hand. I quickly put my hand under the tap leaving my whizzer in the measure - which promptly fell over spilling my shake everywhere. Never have I seen 10 fluid ounces make such a mess. It looked like a bucket full over the kitchen top dripping down the cupboard onto the kitchen floor. I said a few choice words......... I was gutted I was looking forward to it with cinnamon shaken on top . I had to have chocolate shake instead. But I did take a slice off my choc orange bar to cheer me up mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that did the trick.
LOL, Poor you! Its sooo annoying especially when you look forward to a certain flavour. Some weeks I buy a couple of extra of my favourite flavours, for those just in case moments! Not had any more since! Typical tho!
Last night I was drinking a steaming hot cup of soup whenI thought it might be clever to swot a fly. Big mistake!! Sarah now has nice red hot boobies!!
that sounds just like me lol. I usually put my water in the smoothie maker only to see it spilling out onto the top and floor. Forgot to put the tap on closed.........................................
I'm sorry you spilt your shake but I thank you for posting about it because until I read your post I had never tried banana hot so last night I did and my oh my it's lush....definately one I'll be having again - especially as it's soooo cold