I think I want to give up, which is best way to do it conserving weight loss

Just think.. if there are 1000's of us on the forums of CD and we have all lost weight, then that can't be wrong! We all understand with your feelings, but if you stick at it for a few more days, then all will make sense when you stand on those scales and see the dramatic loss. Re preserving the loss already, you won't be able to, as soon as you come off and get back to your eating habbits, it will go on.. The thing about CD is to slowly go up each plan, so that we still loose as we increase out cal intake and then maintain once we reach the 1200 cals.

I did a weekend away, although prepared for it, gained 7lb, that was through drinking really as low carb'd all the 4 days of it. But gone straight back on it Monday and today, all that 7lb has gone again and i'm back to loosing weight that I need. This week has been hard though, as I had to go back to square 1, but it has been so worth it. If you're tired get an early night, drink lots of water.. Head ache, pain killers and more water.. Then you'll get into ketosis and then its plain sailing. Look at everyones losses on here, they are truely inspirational and that alone reeps rewards. knowing that you'll be one of them too. Good luck and do carry on. xxx
I have completed three days and I just hate it, really hate, I have 3 kids and a husband to cook for and Im literally surrounded by temptation all of the time.

I feel really miserable about it tonight and i have just got over bad postnatal depression so im really wary of anything that will bring my mood down.

Anyway, if i go onto atkins, or slimming world red days only could i continue the downward weight loss?

I Only have about a stone to lose and have lost 5lbs this week so far.
Thanks for any advice you can give me


Hi Rebecca,

I'm so sorry to hear you are having such an awful/miserable time on CD so far. To be perfectly honest with you, the first 3-4 days of CD can make you feel absolutely rotten, but it is just one of those horrid 'side effects' of getting into ketosis. If you can stick it out for another day or so, you will soon be in ketosis and the hunger will demolish along with any other side effects you may be experiencing.

Just think, if you stick at it, that 1 stone will be off in a month's time :D:D:D

I know what you mean about cooking. I do my HB dinner each night. At first I could have cried, hit my HB and shouted at anyone who got in my way! :p But I promise you it does get easier lovely ;) You could perhaps try ss+ ? That way you could have some chicken and green vegetable with your family at the evening. You will remain in ketosis, get to eat without the fear of putting on/not loosing and join in with your family meals. :)

Let us know what you decide hun, and remember the forum is always here for support. :)

The important thing to remember is you are not alone on the diet. We are all here to help each other. Come and have a rant whenever, I'm sure someone will be around to listen and offer advice.;)

Big HUgs x x x
Darling, you are not required to follow ss if it is really that difficult. You have 6 programmes to chose from on CD so discuss this with your cdc. Many people have had sucessful weight loss on 1000 or even 1200 plans(these are low GI plans). As suggested, try to get through the first full week with what you are doing an then take it from there. SS is not for everyone, but the good news is, there are other fab plans too!!! You dont have much to lose anyway, so have a think an talk with your cdc. Good luck
Thank You

You are all so lovely!

I am so pleased I fought through the temptation to give up last night.

Is it all or nothing with SS and SS+ or could I have ocassional light chicken and green veg meal just not ever day?
Ok Im getting into a better frame of mind and decided to really do this.

I have made a ticker to include all of the weight I want to lose so I will be really slim not just the stone that is making me feel really fat!
So pleased you didn't give up honey and really pleased you are in ketosis, you will lose your 25lbs in no time compared to some its a lower weight to lose so in no time you will move up the plans and feel fabulous in your new body. Keep posting whenever you feel low

JS xxx
Hi Rebecca,
I know exactly how you feel. I have just been standing in the kitchen sniffing my daughter's cheese and pickle roll! It's really tough. One of the things that honestly keeps me sane is doing SS+, so I can have my meal. It fits in with family, socialising and also fills me up more and doesn't make me feel deprived and then want to rebel. I think it's a very individual thing though, maybe not for everyone. Although I have to say I was the biggest binge, carb, sugar eater going with the least amount of discipline, and I have managed it ...just!
I'm seeing this CD as a chance to really think about the types of food I eat and I already feel more positive. There is no doubt though that it is a tough way to lose weight, mentally. It does give you a boost when you feel your clothes getting looser though, no doubt about that!
Good luck and keep using this board as it is a lifesaver!
Meg.. I'd get this week over first and speak to your CDC, she/he may advise you to step up to ss+, but its only a small amount of food that you are allowed as well as you're 3 shakes.. or 4 shakes if you don't wish to eat anything. You'll be jumping for joy once you get on those scales, you may change your mind when you do about changing plans then as well. xx