I want to be you....


Gold Member
I really want to eat a normal healthy low GL diet and feel wonderful. I just find it all a bit confusing and find the transition hard, also the info does seem to vary a bit, eg some say peanut butter is ok some not etc etc.

I think ill start by giving up all sweets/choc/cakes etc. I have a terrible sweet tooth and can never stop at one biscuit, I eat crap every day and I'd say it is definately my biggest problem. I'd say Im also quite carb sensitive and get terrible cravings. I suppose what I am wondering is will this be enough for me to feel better and to start losing weight. I dont eat white bread or pasta anyway and Ill cut down a lot on potatoes.
There are a lot of different low GI/GL authors out there and so you're right, it can be confusing if you're new to the whole thing and trying to sort it all out (I think peanut butter might be considered 'bad' by authors who are also trying to restrict fat, it does have a lot of calories - I don't think fat is evil and I love peanut butter).

For that reason I'd pick one simple method and try that for awhile and then once the concepts become second nature you can (if you want to) look around a bit at other ideas. Rick Gallop's Express GI Diet is a good simple start. I also like the South Beach Diet approach (the Supercharged book is good), it is low GI although not usually called so.

I can sympathise with you about the carbs. I have a similar issue to you in that if I have bad carbs then I want more carbs! I would therefore recommend that you make the changes you mention but also try to swap out potatoes (except for new potatoes) and try to use sweet potatoes instead. I find even 1 piece of roast potato has me jonesing for them for weeks but I can handle sweet potatoes.

If you really want to kick the carb cravings for good and are prepared to be hardcore for a short period then you could look at a plan (like South Beach or some others, I can't think what at the moment) that really restrict carbs (apart from non-starchy veg which you can have) for a two week 'induction' period in order to combat them. Good carbs are then introduced slowly back in. I've found this approach helpful in the past when I've got into a real carb-munching cycle - the first couple of days are really tough (I won't lie) but after that it gets much easier and the must-eat-biscuits-and-crisps-and-and-and feeling subsides.

The changes you mention are going to be good healthy ones and certainly can't hurt, the other thing I would suggest also is that you start trying to control your carb portions a little bit. Recommended low GI/GL portions are usually 40-50g dry weight for things like rice and pasta, 3-4 small new potatoes, 1 small sweet potato, 1/2 tin of beans, 1 slice wholegrain bread etc., so if your portions are significantly above this (I know mine used to be) then you could start being aware of them and cut them down slowly. This will give you the chance to start having other things like more vegetables to make up for it without feeling so much like a cold turkey thing and to try some things that might be new like quinoa or barley.

Good luck - I'm sure your healthy changes will have you feeling better!
Thank you so much for such a helpful informative reply. I know this is the right way for me to eat, I just need to find a way to make it work for me, you've given me plenty to start with, thanks again.