I want to Shift Shedloads....


Full Member
How many blogs/diaries have I written? I honestly don't know.... Have made many, many attempts to lose weight FOREVER with no success. Have belonged to many weightloss forums {usually with the same name - I like shoes. A lot. :) } Anyway, have found myself in the Slimming World Universe and so far it's going well! Lessons learned from all my efforts before:

1) TFR's don't work long-term. At least not for me...
2) I like wine. And I like to have it weekly. (usually a diet-breaker)
3) Faddy diets are bad for the soul. Very emotionally damaging to lose 10lbs in one week, and regain a stone the next. :(
4) Weighing myself at home alters my behaviour. If I've lost weight mid week I'll think I can afford to eat more. If I haven't, I'll think 'sod it!'. It's a lose-lose situation. A bad habit.
5) Some people around me will try to sabotage my efforts at some stage. THEY'RE the ones with issues. Not me.
6) I've put life on hold on account of my excess flab....
7) I don't need to exercise like a demon to lose weight. Moderate is better.

I really hope this is my last attempt to crack it!! SW seems like more of a lifestyle thing than a diet, and hubby's doing it with me. I'm not going to put myself under pressure re stats either. Will be happy with any weightloss as long as it's going in the right direction! I hope to lose 10stone over the next two years. Here goes!!!

Week 1: -6lbs.
Hi shoegirl

Totally agree with the lesson learned above, I too take one week at a time and started in 2008 and still havent hit target, but at least im going the right direction slowly but surely lol

Good luck!! x