I was just very bad


Let's do this....
A personal pizza with tomatoes, pineapple chicken and bacon

A garlic cheesy bread

2x waffles - dominoes is not my friend.

I just had to! I feel all sick and yucky! :-( I'm so not good at the food combining etc etc!!
We all slip up at some point hun,*hugs*
Draw a line under a start fresh, don't let one bad day ruin the next 6 :)
You are going straight to SW hell.

If u told me u never slipped up I'd fly all the way across the pond to worship the ground u walk on. It happens. Its just a minor blip.

Life is for living. Not dieting. Keep eating on plan and be good to your body. It will forgive you for minor indiscretions.
i bet there isnt one person on here who cant relate to that..its done just forget it and start again tomorrow..its all good!one day isnt going to make much difference hun xxx