if you could choose 2 items to be syn free, What would it be??

Wine and cheese.
Wheaten bread, butter & jam :drool: .....I know you said 2 items but you need all 3 of these to make it work!! ;)
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erm i gotta have 3....chocolate! crisps! white crusty bread!
Pizza and crisps.....I miss them! Although, they are part of the reason I'm doing SW now!
Wine, obviously - that would be incredible, aaaand I think I have to go with crisps - Beef Space Raiders especially :giggle:
would have said wine before i started getting migraines, but now would say Cheese and flour (love mac and cheese) yum yum
OOhhhh this is hard lol Wine and Crisp :D
chocolate and full fat sausages.
Chocolate definately!!!