If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Hey Everyone!

Tis the night before WI and I honestly have no idea what the Scales will be bring!

I finished work late tonight, had to make some new resources for tomorrow morning and decided to do them at School rather than bringing my work home.

Today's Food:

Breakfast-6pp (Same)

Lunch-8pp (Same)





Will try to update in the morning with my result.

Lots of Love Serena x
Sounds a busy day - not long till the weekend - best of luck for wi- your food looks really healthy lots of fruit and veg x

1 more day till the weekend but only 10 days to work before I get 17 days off! Yippee! I certainly do love my fruit and veg, just as well I guess being veggie lol X
Morning Everyone!

After an incredibly good week at work and a yummy Weekend with Carvery, Chocolate and Dominos I lost


Whoop Whoop!

As its Non-Uniform Day today I thought it was an ideal time for a progress pic and this is the difference that 26.5lb/17.8% in 10 weeks has made:


Still can't beleieve I've only got 1.5lb to go till the 2 stone mark, seems reality now that I might do it in 11 or 12 weeks!

Lots of Love Serena x
Fabulous result! You look great have a lovely Friday!

I can't wait for the Easter holidays x

Thank you! I honestly am so chuffed, I can't put it into words how much it's changed my life this time around x
Hey Everyone!

Had a really good day at work, I taught Phonics and an Intervention in Year R and then I supported a child in Year 1 who has additional needs. Was a really varied day and the time just flew by! Went shopping to Asda after work so we have our food till next Friday now.

Today's Food:

Breakfast-6pp (Same)

Lunch-8pp (Same)

Dinner-12pp (My amazing Skinny Macaroni Cheese!)


Had some Blueberries for afters, not sure if I'll use any Weeklies for a treat, not hungry at the moment.

Yippee it's the weekend now!

Lots of Love Serena X
Sounds a really productive day at work, do you prefer working one to one or teaching?

Excellent day with food, you make it look so easy xx

It's just my way of life now, doesn't feel like I'm missing out on anything with this plan!

I love teaching, 1:1 isn't for me but I did it today as the usual 1:1 was poorly with what I had last week. I like the fact I am approached for different roles within the school, makes me feel like I'm doing a great job when not reality I've not been doing it that long.
It is a good plan and it's great knowing you can lose weight and still have treats.

My two girls have one to ones and they do work really hard I do think your do really well as a teacher but it must lovely working in a job that you enjoy so much x

I honestly believe it's one of the best plans out there, it just ticks every box for me. I've done other plans and they just don't click with me for one reason or another.

I think teaching is something which I will definitely consider in the future, I love the lessons which I teach at the moment so it can only get better. I've only done this job for 13 months so still really early days, think I've just thrown myself into it 110%, much like the WW Plan! X
It's such a great plan and its helps that your really motivated.

It's such a lovely job, I use to be a nursery nurse and have worked in schools too so rewarding X

Did u give up when u had the girls? X
Hey Everyone!

Today I've ventured into the unknown and am experimenting with a F&H Day! It kinda just happened when I was out for lunch so I thought why not try it!

Today's F&H (!!!) Food:







I'm allowed 2tsp oil on a F&H Day so I think that will be enough for what the mushrooms/bubble were cooked in.

Will use some Weeklies if i fancy a treat later but surprisingly full at the moment :)

Lots of Love Serena X
Hey Everyone!

Today I've ventured into the unknown and am experimenting with a F&H Day! It kinda just happened when I was out for lunch so I thought why not try it!

Today's F&H (!!!) Food:


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I'm allowed 2tsp oil on a F&H Day so I think that will be enough for what the mushrooms/bubble were cooked in.

Will use some Weeklies if i fancy a treat later but surprisingly full at the moment :)

Lots of Love Serena X
I'm doing this tomorrow although it's called no count on new plan, think food list is the same.

Your F&H day looks great x
I worked till I had my second, got made redundant a few weeks before Maisie was born it was kind of nice at the time as I got nice lump x

Knowing how much babies cost I expect the pennies came in handy! I didn't think by law that companies could make a pregnant lady redundant? Thought there was a human rights clause to prevent that from ever happening? X

I'm doing this tomorrow although it's called no count on new plan, think food list is the same.

Your F&H day looks great x

Is it still only wholemeal rice/pasta or have they changed it? I remember when if used to be called no count, it's gone full cycle! X
Yes checked my book still WM pasta and rice!

It was voluntary redundancy they were cutting down on hours and staff, I think at the time they weren't allowed to make you redundant once on maternity leave - could be wrong though.
Most of the pay we lived off that first year- money eats up so quickly xx

You're not wrong! One minute it's in my purse and then it's gone again ;) Hope u have a good Sunday x