If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Shame you got rained on. Sunny all day here. Had to close blinds at work as it was too warm.

Food looks great, you could save the corn on the cob and have a F&H day??

So are you having day 8 tomorrow or starting a new week with 49 weeklies and WI Saturday.
Shame you got rained on. Sunny all day here. Had to close blinds at work as it was too warm.

Food looks great, you could save the corn on the cob and have a F&H day??

So are you having day 8 tomorrow or starting a new week with 49 weeklies and WI Saturday.

I think I'm just gonna start new weeklies tomorrow and WI on Saturday, I will return to Friday WIs once term has finished anyway. I'd totally forgotten that the Corn is free on F&H, that might be an idea, thanks! X
Yeah and then you can eat it and not waste points as it's really tasty :)
Sorry to hear you got soaked hun. Not raining here in west Yorkshire but really overcast but still really warm. Glad you've had a better day. I love jacket spuds I like them with chilli though :) xx
Thanks Hun, you'll be sorry you said that cos I'll probably ask a lot. Lol x

That's ok, I don't mind at all, they don't call me Rainman for nothing ;-) x

Sorry to hear you got soaked hun. Not raining here in west Yorkshire but really overcast but still really warm. Glad you've had a better day. I love jacket spuds I like them with chilli though :) xx

They had taken the veggie chilli off the menu or else I might of had that! X
Not bad thanks lovely, hope you are too? Why does it always rain around school run time?? Swear the weatherman knows! xx

I say exactly the same every school run! It will be lovely during the day and then at 3pm the sky turns grey and at 215pm the heavens open! X
Morning Hun hope u are ok? Xx
Morning!!! Have a fan Friday!! Looking forward to see what today's food involves :)
Good Morning Subscribing Sweeties :)

Today is the start of Week 4 however no WI till tomorrow due to Scale-Gate!

I'm Volunteering in Year 2 today and I have VERY exciting Lunch News...


Check out my 4pp Lunch!

I now have the whole 'family' of Pink Sistema and I couldn't wait to use them today! How sad am I!

Hope everyone has a fab Friday!

Lots of Love
Morning Serena

I have an addiction to Tupperware, I love taking all my different tubs to work with my food weighed out. And now I'm on maternity leave I make packed lunches to take to my dads and sisters so still get to use them :)

Hope you have a lovely day xxx