If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

It's so hard finding what works and what doesn't lead you to binge. I still can't eat bread as the heb allowance isn't enough for me. If the bars are helping you stick to plan carry on eating them. Xx
It's so hard finding what works and what doesn't lead you to binge. I still can't eat bread as the heb allowance isn't enough for me. If the bars are helping you stick to plan carry on eating them. Xx

I just look forward to them if that makes sense?!? I know i'd also always want more bread/cereal and other stuff with it! Who knows eh, maybe I just need to stick with it as it all does add up in the end! Plus I only have 10 1/4lb to lose to be at the top end of my healthy bmi range so I cant expect to hit massive losses. X
Exactly, my friend didn't have much to lose and she only ever lost 0.5-1lb per week. She would get really frustrated but it all added up and she was at target in no time. X
Exactly, my friend didn't have much to lose and she only ever lost 0.5-1lb per week. She would get really frustrated but it all added up and she was at target in no time. X

I've got 8 WIs before my birthday so that's about 1 1/4lb to lose each week, hopefully I can do it x
The only thing I've found with sw is I only tend to get good losses when I have red days - your curry looks lush xx

That counts me out then!!!! I could try Green Days I guess but think I'll just stick with EE x
I did add that your veggie so no good for you but I think your better to stay with EE than Green- keeping going hopefully the scales will catch up x

I'll be keeping my fingers and legs crossed on Friday!!!! X.
Have you got much to lose to get you back to your happy weight xx

10 1/4lb to get back to the very top of my healthy BMI, anything more than that will be a bonus. X

SP days are great for boosting your losses and are suitable for veggies but I'd stick with EE at the moment. X

I've got a leaflet about SP but don't think I'd be brave enough to do that yet! X
I know you can do it- you've done amazing all year x

Thanks Sweetie :) You girls are amazing, you listen to my moaning and groaning and never fail to support me! X
Thanks Sweetie :) You girls are amazing, you listen to my moaning and groaning and never fail to support me! X
You don't moan and groan and we're all here to support each other. If life and dieting was easy there would be no need for forums such as this or slimming groups. X
You don't moan and groan and we're all here to support each other. If life and dieting was easy there would be no need for forums such as this or slimming groups. X

That's very true but I really do appreciate you girlies, life can be quite lonely at times and I'm really grateful for your support x
Good Evening Everyone!

Tonight I feel happy and super proud of myself!

As you know I had my pancakes/yogurt/fruit for breakfast and then at lunchtime Poppy had DOMINOS with her Dad!!!! I sat at the same table, with my leftover Indian Fakeaway and Raspberries, I didn't pick or pinch anything, not even a crust or wedge!

We watched a movie this afternoon and played, the weather was awful!

I decided to make a Dominos Fakeaway for dinner!

For my 'pizza' I rolled out 60g of Wholemeal Bread (HexB), 20g Lighter Mature Cheddar (1/2 HexA), Tomato Purée, Mixed Herbs and Veg. I made SW Paprika Wedges and served it all with S Veg and an Apple for afters!

I've got treats for later, ending on 10.5Syns which is 0.5Syn more than my daily target this week but I'll just have 9.5Syns tomorrow to compensate!

I feel super proud of myself and actually today proved to me how far I've come.


Hope you've all had a great day,

Lots of Love Serena x
That's fantastic and you're fakeaway pizza looks far nicer than a dominos. You've had another fab food day.

The weather has been awful here today but tomorrow's supposed to be nicer so I'm hoping we can get out. X
That's fantastic and you're fakeaway pizza looks far nicer than a dominos. You've had another fab food day.

The weather has been awful here today but tomorrow's supposed to be nicer so I'm hoping we can get out. X

Thanks Sweetie, definitely felt pleased with myself today! A definite SW win day! X
Morning Everyone!

Today's a busy Sunday!

I've been up since quite early, wrote the meal plan for the whole week, cleaned Oreo out, did all the ironing and hoovered the whole house!

We are going out later to choose our Toilet and Sink, it's being fitted tomorrow so I'm a bit last minute!!!! We are keeping the Wet Room for the time being, Poppy is nearly 9 and I think she will cope with it and I'm ok with, plus I can't really validate ripping out a perfectly good wetroom to put a bath in, it's just a waste of money!

I finally have some pics now the colours have gone on the walls:


It's starting to look like our house now and feels very real but the next 37 Days are going to be manic! There the Toilet/Sink to do, kitchen to be fitted, bedroom furniture to be fitted and finally the carpets! Then I need to get the curtains/nets.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Lots of Love Serena x