Im a Newbie


New Member
Hi all you wonderful inspiring ladies(and gents)

My name is Diane, and im mum to 4 gorgeous little ones (two of which have disabilities). I have battled with my weight since having my first 8 years ago but have been in state of denial/lazyniss to do anything about it.

I went to a specialist regarding my sleep problems last year in november, he really hit it home to me how my weight is the mostly likey cause of my breathing issues during sleep as sleep apnea was ruled out following a sleep study, he said they want to do an operation on the soft pallete of my mouth to help open up my airways during sleep but want to get me down to a healthy weight for it to be a sucess, i left feeling deflated and think yea right!!!!

We did a huge relocation to a new area and i finally had a new start so decided it was time to get my life in gear and attempt to shift the extra weight, im so fed up of going into docotors and them looking at me saying oh do you know you are clincially obese and your at risk of .... etc etc

I then took the plunge and joined my local slimmingworld, i have found it really easy and am amazed at how much more im eating these days yet the weight is coming off, i also had a huge addiction to coca cola (up to 3 litres a day) so this gave me the inspiration to finally kick that habit :)

I started mid march and have so far lost 9lbs which im happy about, was nervous as my family are hard to please in the meal department and with various allergies etc that it wouldnt work but it really has

My starting weight was 15stone and I have set a interm target of 12st7lbs and will then review but ideally id like to be around 10st7lbs

Thank you for allowing me to join this community hopefully with the help of slimming world and you all ill have the right tools to keep me on track
