I'm a rabbit...

*Pink Pixie*

on the road to slimdom
or at least that's what my bowel thinks. please tell me this is normal, im taking fibreclear daily and this is the first time i've erm "been" since starting, and currently on day five.

Hi ya
Yes, rabbit syndrome is normal...fibreclear is helpful for keeping it a bit softer, but you sound like you need 1 or 2 good old ducolax! to get rid of it all, then fibreclear will help to prevent it!
That being said alot of us use fibreclear and also 1 laxative mid week and 1 the night before our WI works wonders!
Ducolax are available from Asda and are only £1.00 or so ..... make sure you take them before bed tho and not during the day!
I find senokot better for me. I'm usually a constipated person anyway and take fibreclear with each shake and 1 senokot every nite.ducolax gives me the runs.. but either way its better than dying and not going 2 the loo for a week.test it out and see which is better for you!!good luck!
thanks girls, will try something tonight before bed and hopefully will be clear before my first WI on monday :D
the senakot dual action is good too, it stops any bloating. since doing this diet i tend to blow about like a deflating balloon!
ducoease are also good for keeping things moving and not as harsh as laxatives.

make sure your drinking enough water, as dehydration can cause constipation.

good luck x