I'm all finished!

Gaelic Faery

Cambridge Counsellor
Hey everyone!!

Well I'm finished my CD journey :D I've lost 35lbs since the 4th of January and I'm going to lose the last stone through healthy eating and exercise. I went from a size 16 to a 12 so yay! I'm currently studying for my masters and unfortunately CD does not provide enough energy to spend hours on end in the library. It was affecting my concentration and there's no way I'm jeopardising all my hard work now! So I decided to stop the diet before I lost the will to live haha

Ye're not getting rid of me that easily though! I'll still pop by the forums to check on how things are going.

Best of luck everyone! I hope ye will get to be as happy as I am now :flirt2:
Congratulations on your fab acheivement. Good luck with the last stone and also with your Masters - what is it in?
Excellent :0)) !!!!

Well done to you for seeing it through to the last stone

maintaining is the tricky part, and one I've finally got down :0)

Best of luck xxxx
Good luck for the final part of your journey & your Masters. x :D