always lurkin around!
hi guys ..well im back on cd from 2day again ive seem 2 have said this sentence so many times ova the last 6 months :cry:. Ive not done 2 bad on and off and managed 2 lose a couple of stones but still got a long way 2 go.I know it must seem a bit mad starting so near christmas but its now or never and there will always be an excuse not 2 start so thought i may as well go 4 it now.Im feeling quite low at moment and i know my weight is a factor in that.I need 2 have an op on my shoulder in the new year so im hoping 2 get at least a few stones off for that.Ive gone ova in my head the last few weeks the best way to go diet wise ..toyed with atkins as i did atkins a few years ago and did well on it.. but i feel theres more possibility for me 2 cheat.. SO knowing how well every1 seems 2 do on cd and not doin 2 bad myself on it im here again with new resolve to rid myself of this nasty fat for good!! xx