Im going it alone!!!!!


Loves the Nom Nom!!!
Well i told my leader last night that i couldnt afford the price increase in my monthly budget, i picked up an essentials pack and left! i've lost 33lb with the class and im confident i can do the rest on my own with the support here!!

You guys have been great these past few days :gen126:

today is dress down day, im in a bright summer dress with jeans, the only things that fit :giggle: and im trying not to let them pull me down!!! Although they are trying, apparently they cant stand it when people have their bra straps showing :rolleyes: tough titties!!!!!

Ha tough titties, you show em !!! Well not show em ;) !!

I have been doing ww alone thus time from start, the money I save now goes on zumba when I can afford it.

I know meeting for most are the crutch they need for support but my local ones are pants so I feel I can do this at home until maybe I get wibbly.

Well done for stickin at it if ww increase prices too much and change things alot of people may feel the same as you.
