I'm new too! *DISCLAIMER- may require tissues when reading*

So far today:
Banana x 2 and mullerlight
Endless black coffee (I miss my lattes!)
A 1cm sliver of birthday sponge cake (syn guesses?)
Chicken mug shot and tomato mug shot

I'm nannying today and quite often run out of energy in the afternoon, do I'm relying on coffee to keep me going and may move the birthday cake to the utility room where it can't taunt me!

I'm also going straight to the theatre tonight when I finish at 7 so I'm a tad worried about how I'm going to manage eating. I'm reaching for a banana every time I feel I'm about to slip, but now I'm worried I'll end up looking like one!

I went shopping last night and bought melon, strawberries, free yoghurts and green veg and have been re-reading my books.

Feel totally miserable and demotivated at the moment as I keep thinking I could be doing so much better. Absolutely dreading WI on Wednesday :-/

Hi emily, just a thought but could you perhaps chop up a bit of melon to have, strawberries also,rather than lots of bananas. Bananas are superfree but its not a superspeed and a lot of them isnt a good idea, I believe anyway. Also grapes, dont eat too many of them either. Mugshots are ok, but again, in moderation. However, you have done so well so far. With regard to the coffee, I am so with you on this, but you are allowed 350 mls of skimmed milk ( I love lattes) so enjoy your milky coffee. If you want to try the almond breeze milk your allowance is 875 mls of this!!!You have done well with your shopping (whoop whoop) so get tucking into all that superfree. Keep bobbing on here for support, I will log in every day to help if I can.Can you get something to eat whilst you are nannying, perhaps a salad or something to keep you going before you finish. I just wish I could speak to you one to one to give you some words of comfort but you know everyone is here to help. You may be surprised at weigh in tomorrow. One lady at group yesterday (I run the shop and raffle) said to me she felt sick before standing on the scales. I said like I said to you "you may well be surprised". She actually lost 3 lbs and did a little dance! So heres to a positive day tomorrow with food planned, and a fabulous result at them scales. Hope this isnt too long winded for you Emily. Sending virtual hugs to you x
And Emily, dont be so hard on yourself. It just takes a bit of getting used to. I have been doing it for a long time and still learn things every week !! x
I have the t-shirt for depression, and it's very hard to concentrate at times. I think that you need to take time out to plan what you're going to have each day. I know that some mugshots are free, but they aren't low in calories . Could you do a pack up of pasta and things like peppers, tomatoes etc? You would get a far bigger lunch to fill you up for probably less cals than a mugshot and get your superfree in , and it would be healthier.Now, you have decided to do something about losing weight, so that deserves a pat on the back, and when you get your head round the plan, and it takes a few weeks, and we all make mistakes, then you'll be able to relax. I bet you don't even give the steps to a waltz a thought! I would be counting 1.2,3 all the time! Write everything down for now, weigh all your healthy extrasand if you can,syn stuff before you eat it, it's too easy to have something and find it has far more syns than you thought. If you step off track, get straight back to it again. In the words of one of my favourite films,"Never give up! Never surrender!"We're all in the same boat here, and it's a great support forum. Good luck!
Good luck! Remember not to beat yourself up if you have a bad day/ week, I've been naughty for 2 weeks with my birthday and a friends. I am 100% back on plan today and more determined
Thank you everyone :)

Today was a bit of a nightmare day as one of the boys (3.5yo) hasn't been sleeping so was an absolute pain in the proverbial....... I was just glad to eat something full stop, and even happier it was relatively on plan!

Just got home from the theatre where I ate a yoghurt and two bananas to stop me giving in to ice cream and sweeties. Last night I made a free bolognaise sauce (extra lean mince, onions, peppers, celery, grated carrot, tomatoes etc) and OH made me pasta so I've just heated that up and will be having a little (weighed) HE cheese.

Tomorrow I will be more prepared and will ball the melon, chop strawbs etc. I have a hair cut and colour first thing, then teaching for an hour before WI 6pm, so I'm hoping I'll find it easier. I will also try to do a bit more food prep so I have things waiting for emergencies....luckily time in the kitchen is something I enjoy and somewhat of a luxury these days!

All your comments are really helping, so I really cant thank you all enough. Just having somewhere and someone to be accountable to is making a huge difference, and also helping me to get my head focused by seeing it in black and white on the screen.

Thank you thank you thank you

ER x

PS. please call me E-R or Emm/Ems/any variation on that theme....I hate being Emily- makes me cringe!
Hi Emm, what a fab post. You sound so much better today and more positive. I told you I would log on every day to give you support didnt I? :) Sounds as if you have planned and prepared well. That is the key, let us know how you go on at weigh in tonight. I wont say fingers crossed because I am sure you wont need that. :)
Right-oh, so today has been a very odd day as I ended up having a lot less time then I originally imagined.

I have however bought a klipit soup mug AND a klipit noodle bowl from Lakeland....cant bloomin' resist Lakeland things....I got tempted when I went in to get Butterbuds to try, and thought they'd be handy for lunches at work. I also went to Poundland to stock up on MugShots, I know they're not ideal all the time, but when I'm busy they're the lesser of two evils!

I haven't really eaten all that much at all as I've been on the go and totally forgot to eat, but I did manage to resist crisps and chocolate when I went to buy fuel, and instead came out with 2 apples- hurrah! I also drank a black coffee at the salon and it wasn't too bad at all. tasted a lot nicer knowing I had made a positive choice! Oh, and I decided to park the other end of town and walk the length TWICE doing my shopping and going to the salon. AND, I took the stairs at the multistorey...and then ended up going even further as I forgot where I'd left the car!

I've just spent an hour in the kitchen before group prepping fresh fruit, carrot sticks and dips for snacks. Tea tonight is going to be Linda McCartney sausages with SW mash, looooads of veg, and then I've come up with an onion and beef stock concoction which is going to be my syn-free onion gravy. I'll also be trying out the butter buds in the mash, alongside a bit of fromage frais.

Tomorrow is a half day nannying, but I'm meeting with a friend and her little boy at the soft play where they serve homemade cakes.....damn. Evening meal will be SW lasagne, as long as I manage to remember which shop I eventually found quark in last week! I am saving myself for Friday when I'm taking my friend out to dinner, she has suggested Harvester because she knows it's a good place for me, but I have decided to allow myself a sundae as its a special occasion (and I resisted them last week!) and the thought of that is helping me to be more disciplined in the lead up to it.

My only worry is that my body may have gone into panic mode because I haven't given it much food today :-/

Bit nervous, as tonight I'm starting with a new consultant.....as of next week I can't do Wednesdays so I'm trying her out ready to switch to one of her other nights.
Whoop whoop, go you! Fabulous, this must have given you a boost and encouraged you to carry on doing what youre doing. Sounds fab and proper in the s w zone. The only thing I would say Emm if you dont mind is that please be careful of buying mugshots in shops like Poundland, B & M etc. If the word "Mugshots" is in black writing the syn values are different to the ones written in red in regular shops like Tesco, Asda etc. They could be higher syns than you think. Hope this helps you :) Youre doing great. Will log in with you tomorrow :) :) :) :)
^ love it.
well done EmilyRose - bit late with the welcomes... but had a read through, you'll get all the support in every aspect on here!
Hullo all :)

So following my success on Wednesday I was feeling great, really chuffed. I kept my eating really controlled.....

...and then Friday happened.

I'd planned to go out with my friend for her birthday, and promised myself an ice cream sundae as a treat. All fine, except we had a bit of a blowout- garlic bread, chips, onion rings etc- I did have grilled chicken and salad too but felt sooooo ill after eating so much crap.

You'd think I'd have stopped there (which I should have done, and knew this) but the weekend turned out really busy and I really haven't stuck to plan. (I won't go into details but it involved more chips, pizza, ice cream cones and chocolate)

I've woken up this morning feeling thoroughly guilty and ashamed of myself because my body isn't thanking me at all....it's also 'THAT time' and I have such horrendous cramps I feel crappy.

So, in the interests of moving on and ready for your advice, here is a list of the positives from the last few days:
* I now drink black coffee and diet coke as a matter of course instead of lattes and fruit juice
* I have bought almond milk to try instead of regular
* my fruit intake has increased
* I went for a swim on Sunday morning and followed it with an on-plan breakfast
* I have been walking rather than driving
* I felt confident enough to wear a short (ish) skirt yesterday and my thighs didn't chafe, plus my other half said I looked nice
* I have just returned from a shop at Aldi where I stocked up on fruit, veg and good stuff
* I bumped into someone I used to work with years ago who said I looked really well and looked like I had lost weight

I'm hoping that some of these good things will redeem me, but I'm also worried about WI. I'm actually starting a new group this week (I went to my old one for the last time last week) and it'll be terrible if on my first week I've gained :(
Hi Emm, you wont have gained if you keep on doing what youre doing. PMA will get you everywhere! Just keep on and the weight will fall off beautifully. :)
Hola all! A quick check in for today:

Brekkie: black coffee and pink grapefruit
Lunch: SW lasagne (he:cheese) mullerlight yog
Snack: 1 custard cream and 2 marshmallows (I was craving sugar and there was no fruit in the house!)
Swim and dog walk/meander after work
Supper (cooking now) salmon, rice, green veg, salsa (0.5 syns per 2 tbsp) and a blob of fromage frais

Classic! :8855:

I've been having a nosy in your diary so thought it polite to say hello

I'm also a sufferer of depression/anxiety and ocd so I can really sympathise with your struggles. The most important thing I can say really is do your best not to feel guilty/ashamed if you have a food wobble here and there. Everyone trips up now and again, especially when you're new to the plan and with mental health issues to contend with some days food gets messed up, fact. Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time and you'll do fine :)

Are you on any meds or having counselling for the depression/anxiety? I'm on mirtazapine and did 6 months of counselling last year which really helped the rational part of my brain find a stronger 'voice' and I can manage the conditions much better now. When I do have a bad day I don't give myself as much of hard time over it - this did take over 18 months of working on it though :rolleyes: You'll get on top of things eventually - minimins is full of lovely people who will be happy to support you along your journey. Good luck xxx
Hi LoChan! I do indeed take meds- I've been on sertraline for quite a while and have just started decreasing my dose with my Drs blessing.

I've had a real nightmare getting help as I'm deemed to be "high functioning" but after years of bad therapy and unhelpful professionals, I've switched GPs and now have one who listens and takes me seriously. I started CBT this week with a fantastic therapist and that has really helped me to feel like I'm in control and making progress.

I know it's something that will take time- mental health and weight loss- but I do feel as if now is the time I can actually do it. I have a lot of patterns of unhelpful behaviour and self sabotage when it comes to eating so its going to take a while to undo those. That said, I am losing weight and people are starting to notice so I'm really chuffed.

Most days are a constant battle not to give in to chocolate and cakes (my comfort foods) and I'm getting really food at congratulating myself when I make a positive choice, but still berate myself when I fall off the wagon....I guess getting over that will come with time.

Thank you for taking the time to say Hi and tell your story. I'm a big believer in positive things happening when enough people stick together!

Here's to a bright future!
ER xx
A good GP really makes all the difference - I've had problems since my mid-teens but I didn't go to the doctors until Feb last year (I'm 28 now), all because my old GP was an evil old cow witch. Moved areas and GPs and it's made so much of a difference after over a decade of ups and downs (some downs were particularly extreme :sigh:). CBT should be really good for you, make sure they don't stop the sessions until you feel you're ready.

You do sound to be in a good mindset for tackling both the weight loss and MH issues, it is just a case of constantly reminding yourself that Slow is Good - this applies to a number of other things too lol

I'm the same with chocolate/cakey things, especially in the evenings... heh the sensible me will suggest as you've done already and get stocked up on fruit but saying that I went on a bit of a galaxy bender last night with 27.5 syns of lovely revels/mars planets scoffed with glorious abandon :17729: Oh well, chocolate happens :whistle:

Keep on posting xxx