I'm new too!


Hi all,
Starting CD tomorrow and I have stumbled across this forum.
Any hints and tips would be great. Got alot of weight to lose. Approx 10st. I am 40 next April(2010) and I am determined not to be fat and 40!!!
Wish me luck folks I'm going to need it!

Jackie x

Welcome Jackie!

I hope you will make yourself at home and good luck with your CD journey.

Take some before photos now and body measurements, not forgetting your upper arms and neck:)

Set yourself long term goals as well as mini goals which are very achievable as these help build confidence in your ability to lose weight and also build self-esteem.

As you achieve each mini goal be sure to give yourself a non food treat such as a lipstick or magazine, something simple to mark the occasion as we do need to claim all our small victories and successes as we go... along with the big ones.

Do a mood board for yourself, it can be the fridge door or one of those you put on a wall...

Cut out magazine pictures of clothes you would like to wear, holiday destinations you would like to visit and new hair styles you might like to try out here. The perfect place for your wish list etc...

If you have children then can help with ideas to put on your mood board and it gives them a sense of involvement along with you and leaves them feeling they are doing something to be supportive. Partners also like to join in and help and it is important to include them and to remember it does take them time to adjust to the journey as well and the mood changes:)

Just make sure you put your new mood board in a place where you can see it a few times each day to keep you focused.

This is a time for change and learning and it can be a very emotional as we move out of our comfort zone and as so many of us have discovered we tend to dump old baggage that no longer servers our needs in our lives along with our weight.

Take one day at a time and keep your eye on the prize of better health, fitness being slimmer and quality of life all round.

Here is a link to help you make your way around MiniMins and if you need any help please ask.


Love Mini xxx
Hi Jackie
This is my first post. Just thought i'd wish you lots and lots of luck on your cd diet. I've never done that one but from what i've read on here it's life changing! don't you think it's exciting that we get to transform ourselves. If we'd always been slim we would take it for granted. Anyway best of luck, looking forward to reading your posts and amazing losses!!!!
Hi Jackie I am a week into lipotrim lost 3 kilos after 5 days so keep motivated and use this sight if you need a bit of a lift.
Good luck

I'm new around here too - this is my first post!

Hope you do really well on CD. I lost 3 1/2 stone on it two years ago, which I kept off until the end of last year when I was poorly and became inactive (and comfort ate!) but I've been back on it now for 3 weeks and have lost 15lb already. Stick with it, even through the down times - it'll come off so quickly that it should keep you motivated, and the results really are worth it!

I'm now off to follow Mini's link and find out how to use this site!

K x
Hello and Welcome to Minimins :wavey:
Hi jackie and welcome to the minimins board. You'll find lots of good motivators around here.
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement etc.
I am really looking forward to being thinner, feeling healther and happier.
Although at the moment I have a rumbling stomach, a headache!!
Can't keep off the loo and I am being told off at work for drinking all the water from the water machine!!
But I've still got my motivation and my sense of humour!!
Speak to you all soon x