I'm not aneamic! :D


Gold Member
well for those of you who read my post a few days ago will know i had bloods done a week ago and thought i was maybe aneamic. Turns out my blood count was fine but have to go back 2day to have my amelies retested. (dont know what they are so exscuse the spelling) So even now i dont know were i am with concerns to the diet. I'm just sticking with it for now even though ive been feeling foul for a while. Anyways please send nice thoughts my way today and fingers crossed my veins dont collapse and they only have to stab me once!

Lisa xxx
:vibes::vibes::vibes:Good vibes coming your way. I too have been told I am anaemic. Must go and get myself checked out again too as I feel fine.
I have had anaemia, but I must admit to feeling so much better since being on this diet - good luck Lisa, hope you are in top form :)