I'm so proud of myself!


Full Member
Ok ok so I know its only day 1 and its only just gone lunch but.....it could have all been such a disaster!
I went in the cupboard to get something out for my son's lunch.....only to find...........McCoys crisps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really wanted them and thought oh I can start cd tomorrow!!!!!

NO NO NO! I resisted and had my spicy tomato shake...........I'm sooooo proud that I did that. Cos we all know that tomorrow never comes when you're on cd!:D
I know its very hard to give in, but thats the spirit, YOU DID IT. It will get easier as the days and weeks go..i promise you.
Well done for resisting mr mccoy! lol day one over so the rest will of the week will be a walk in the park!! just wait till you get to your weigh in and see how much you have lost and omg that will spur you on! well done X
I went down that road of 'start tomorrow' but it don't happen, does it?
So, start as you mean to go on, well done!!
Im always eyeing up my little boys left overs like a scavenger!!
But not caved in yet (mind you, its only day 3!!)
well done hun, you made all the minis proud ;)
Well done!