I'm struggling, please help me

Hia Folks, I joined WW on Friday with the intention of going to the Wednesday meetings. I wanted to join Friday to get started even though I was unable to stop for the meeting. My downfall really as I feel well and truly in the deep end. I just picked up my pile of leaflets etc and came home. Nothing was explained to me at all.

I'm used to all the "free" foods of the Slimming World plan. But SW wasn't working for me any more, my weight is creeping back up. I need to try something new. But I'm confused as to what I should be doing.

I can understand the points system (just about) but is there anywhere (online maybe) where there's a whole list of points in ALL foods?:confused:

Planning ahead usually works for me, so I will write down in advance so I know what I am going to eat every day.

Any help and advice and encouragement would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you:)
CrazyDaizy said:
Hia Folks, I joined WW on Friday with the intention of going to the Wednesday meetings. I wanted to join Friday to get started even though I was unable to stop for the meeting. My downfall really as I feel well and truly in the deep end. I just picked up my pile of leaflets etc and came home. Nothing was explained to me at all.

I'm used to all the "free" foods of the Slimming World plan. But SW wasn't working for me any more, my weight is creeping back up. I need to try something new. But I'm confused as to what I should be doing.

I can understand the points system (just about) but is there anywhere (online maybe) where there's a whole list of points in ALL foods?:confused:

Planning ahead usually works for me, so I will write down in advance so I know what I am going to eat every day.

Any help and advice and encouragement would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you:)


Have you got the iPhone?theres a WW App on there which is fantastic for logging what you eat and has a huge list of foods for the points.

I don't go to a class I joined online and find the WW site just as helpful as a class. I also google foods and put weight watchers pro points at the end if not listed.

Tesco has the points on some of their healthy choice foods and so does the WW food.

Write down the foods you usually like and find the points that way it'll be easier for you. You can always ask on here and someone can find the points for you. I'll always help, I have my phone with me at all times

:) x
Hey i'm a WW at home person, i don't go to class and pay monthly for the online stuff.

I don't have the weight watchers app as i'm on android but i do have a points calculator that was free in the market it's a great help so if you have a smart phone i deffo reccy one!! x
Have you investigated any options other than SW for wieght loss?
As I said, I've done Slimming World for the past 2-3 years, but starting to get bored and the weight was starting to creep back on. I've done Rosemary Conley, but feel deprived on that diet, even though at the time it was successful, but again the weight crept back on once I'd got bored.

So now it's WW and I'm happy to stay for the classes as I feel I get more motivated than doing it online. I've bought one of those "journals" to plan everything. I have not yet bought any scales or the calculator, just see how I get on and whether I get into it.

When all is said and done...... "dieting" is just a lifetime of healthy eating.