Inspired by Betsy...

Heehee kids are more interested in themselves and where the next bout of fun is coming from than the teacher losing nearly half his body weight! Nice of the parent to notice!

It is so lovely when people notice but it takes me so long to do anything that used to take me a short time! I'm stopped constantly by people asking the ins and outs of how I did it. Some people don't even recognise me until they hear my voice! They do a double take.

Your OH and family must be amazed and feel as if they have a new man in their lives!
Actually jon i kept meaning to ask you how the kids reacted to your losing the weight, guess that answers my question then,lol
Jon you do look like a different person ..much younger ...what an amazing should be so proud....continued good luck with refeed ...I am folowing your progress you know I am already researching for the long term...keep up the excellent work
Bloomin fantastic mr! :wow: What an achievement! :D :D :D :D well done :)