Intermittent fasting

Hi all
I did a 15.5hrs fast today. I was very hungry. I broke the fast around 12 with 2 lices of weightwatchers toast. Hope to have my last meal today at 7pm.
Angel1971 said:
I've eaten my last meal for the day. Hope to start eating around 12.30 tomorrow. If I succeed, it will be an 18hrs fast.

Your doing really well. Are you counting cals too?

G x

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Well done. I'm giving JUDDD another shot this week. I didn't eat til 5pm today-from 8.30pm last night. I've had less than 300 cals, I made yummy soup ?
G x

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Are you mixing the intermittent fasting with juddd?
What calories are you aiming for on the juddd?
Are you watching your carb intake?
Does juddd work? Sorry about all the questions.
The scales have not moved yet, I've not gained and I've not lost. I was thinking of watching my carb intake to see if that would make a difference.
I did JUDDD for a week and lost 4.5lbs. 2nd week I overdid the up days so only lost 1lb, then put that on again week 3.

Last week I counted cals, and had a fast from prev evening til 12-most days, some it was TOTM when I weighed in I STS so had a off plan weekend.

I'm combining it-I'm doing JUDDD, but no food before midday from bout 8pm pre evening gives me 14-16hr fast minimum. But this time, I'm watching cals too. I just need to or I just go daft.
Yesterday was a DD and had only 280 cals.
Today is UD but still gonna wait til midday to eat and try and keep under 1400.

I don't count carbs but generally avoid bread/potatoes most of the time.

What bout you?

G x
I broke my fast at 12.30.
I thought about doing JUDDD today but I didn't. I counted my calories and I'm under 800 calories today and I ate my last meal around 7.00.
I'm hoping this way of eating will help me to lose the stone that I want to lose. I am trying to avoid carbs but I'm struggling with that.
What I noticed is that I'm not gaining or losing anything while I'm on this diet. So I've decided to up my water intake to see if that helps.
Mmm-I know, I thought that too-hence stricter with cals this week

Defo harder if not so much to shift. I want rid of 5lbs by Chrimbo!!

G x
Had a long day and got home late which meant that I had a longer feeding window. 12.30 - 8.40. Tut tut tut. Tomorrow I'm on a course so not sure what's going to happen there. They are also providing lunch. Hope to fast from now to lunch tomorrow but it will all depend on the day that I'm having.
It's true that when you have not got a lot to lose it tends to take longer.
I wished that I was disciplined enough to do a low carb while I was on this diet because I know the weight will fall off.
How did you day go?
When is your weighing day?
I'm struggling to shift anything despite being so good!!

Lost 1lb today, gonna make tomorrow weigh in my 'official' one (cos that will make me stick to diet today)

G x

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Good luck on your lose.
i had a Bad day today. Only fasted for 13hrs and ate so much rubbish today. Hope tomorrow would be a better day.
Good luck on your weigh in. I might make sat my weigh in day. But I'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Well done for your 2lb lost. I weighed in today and i only had a 1lb weight lose. Not bad considering I ate so much rubbish Thursday.
I might make sat my weighing days even though I am a serial weigher and I tend to weigh myself ever morning.